Half the Wheels - Twice the Fun

@spitfire74: I'd like to point out the bubble to the right of the driver. That could easily be holding a trunk, spare tire, radio, air conditioner unit, and the roof bubble to go over the driver. So this may still be a road going car.

@$kaycog: I'm glad they sped up the footage so the xB actually looks fast.

That's a wet t-shirt contest I can get behind.

Okay, it may not be as definite 'no' as we all fear. I can see that 'wealthy industrialist' having friends that would like one, or a few other rich people wandering around seeing this in the wild and going green with envy.

In Soviet Russia, your dick flies you!

@electricarchie: Okay, I won't say how I know this, but a chop shop can get to any VIN and forge it. The ones that can't don't last very long.

The cubby guy in the ugly blue hat can motor. Good reflexes, chubby guy!

Not sure if it can be considered technically a law, but it is stupid. (And excuse me if I get the some of this wrong, I'm a graphic artist, not a lawyer)

Turbo? Pffft. It's obviously been converted to steam power.

I like that they put down a little netting in the back for when they haul the dog around.

He's seen a Beetle, right? This looks more like something an architect would make if you described it to him over the phone.

Okay, this is pretty meta, and I wanted to share.

It slowly rises to reveal....

Someone who can shift without using the clutch.

But the bumper sticker says 'your SUV is killing my Earth'....I just....I can't...under....stand....

@Nick: Yes, and they weren't nearly as awesome.

After driving past Indianapolis on my way home from a 17 hour drive to Oklahoma City to pick up a nephew, I'd have to say the one thing I will not let in my Escape any longer is baby puke.

So I see shooting for Transformers 3 has moved to the Netherlands... neat!

To me, the F50 seemed like a car that was stuck in transition. If you look at the F40, you can just see how it drips 80's; from the styling, tech, and engine; it's a car that's obviously from that era.