I'm a Mac through and through, but Microsoft hit the nail on the head with Sync. I played around with it for a bit and it is the only feature I found that would make me buy a car I didn't want.
I'm a Mac through and through, but Microsoft hit the nail on the head with Sync. I played around with it for a bit and it is the only feature I found that would make me buy a car I didn't want.
@luisthebeast: Is it sad I initially thought it was a Bio Chem scientist who was being wrongfully accused? I didn't even think of it as a curse word until I hit the comments.
Front wheel drive.
But he's cool drinking a Belgium beer out of a holder with a Mexican beer logo.
I was dating this girl when we decided to make a trip to Cedar Point, Ohio. Huge rainstorm cut the adventure short. Walking back to the car lightning struck an electrical pole 12 feet to our right. It was the loudest 'bang' I have ever heard in my entire life and flattened everyone I could see. Her reaction was to…
@Jo Schmo: Hah! Comment of the month!
Probably something like an airbrushed copy of a legal document proving I'm not a pedophile.
@Royal Flush: I'm totally with you, man. I'm a Labrador owner all the way. She knows the names of all the rooms in the house, the names of all her toys, and we can even give her a list of things to do, 'Go get you woobie and go see Emily'. Can't beat it.
I had a rented Kia Rio in Salt Lake a week ago. Not sure if you've never been, but there are hills. And mountains, but I knew better. Thankfully the thing had an overdrive button that kept it from stalling out while climbing at a whopping, full-throttle, 32 mph. But the real deal killer? The suspension bottomed…
Oh I hope they make it into the episode...
I have a question; I live near Cleveland where we get a pretty good amount of snow and I've seen 2 of these. Any other snow-belt seeded people find these? I can't imagine this little guy can do anything with much more than 2 inches (heyo!)
@Death By Cornbread: Doubtful. I don't remember anyone on the news saying witnesses saw the bomber hammered and poking people in the chest saying, "This is whaht yah get fah trahin' to stahp the Sowx frahm gettin' to dah Series, yah bahstahd."
Why is no one writing about how this poor woman got stuck with a Beetle? Her daughter swindles her and instead of stuffing her in an old-folks home, cons her into buying that.
Being able to say "Brand X is awesome, EXCEPT for..." To show that they don't ascribe a badge to being the be-all, end-all of an opinion (looking at you, BMWphiles).
Wow, he is sprinting to be the poster-boy of redneck stereotypes. All that's missing is the revelation that he's posing with his cousin.
Like to see Tony Stewart pull that off.
So then how do you explain away a paper-cut? Are there enough band-aids and pride in the world to make that still seem like a good idea?
@w0lfatncsu: Foxtrot Tango Whiskey