
I can’t wait for the outpouring of outrage from conservatives who claim to be concerned about federal government overreach and jackbooted federal thugs.

Step 4. Crazy bill is with drawn or repealed or struck down. Replace crazy bill with slightly less crazy bill that doesn’t draw nearly as much ire or public out range because everyone thinks “well it’s not as bad, it’s a compromise”

Ugh the Republican playbook is so obvious yet people keep falling for it.

I think it’s perfectly appropriate to mock people whose ground rules essentially proclaim that neither of them believe that he is to be trusted. And it’s doubly appropriate when those same people have turned their lives into a crusade to police the morality of others.

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.

Shut up and stop trying to have sex with me.

I think the fact that none of these conservative male fuckwits have any women they think of as just friends speaks VOLUMES for their disdain for women as people. Because obviously for them, if a woman isn’t for fucking or marrying or knocking up, there’s just no reason to interact with her or care about her at all is


I think most men think all women want to have sex with them.

This annoys me to no fucking end. Women already get left out of a ton of the socialkind of gatherings that really do help your career (Oh, all the boyswent to the bar with the boss after work? Nice.), and in jobs like politics (where you are on the road, or working late, or out at meetings a lot) that can

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.

Yeah but coal mining is pretty sweet if you own a coal mining company.

but enough about Steve Bannon

‘Failing media talks about pipeline spill but COMPLETELY IGNORES the time Hillary spilled a bottle of vegetable oil in 1997. Salad was ruined. Sad.’

Often what girls need flies under the radar because they’ve been taught how they have to present, though. They’ve been told to shut up and sit down, and been taught how that will be their key to future success as well.

The problem is it depends how you measure “at risk.” I think the ways in which girls—especially girls of color—are at risk tend to be ignored.

Did you not read the article at all? Because it sure seems like you didn’t read the fucking article.

Please leave the choo-choo train in the greys, and dismiss his comments if he tries to engage you. With your help, we can have a loco-free Jezebel!