
They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.

If the photos of Watson that were leaked aren’t nude photos, why does Jezebel’s headline say hackers have leaked nude photos of Watson? It seems best to keep headlines about a sex-crime as accurate and non-click-bait-y as possible.

I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like, “In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I’m not a bigot it’s just science.” I’m a science teacher so I responded with this.

If there’s any need for evidence that feminism still has quite a ways to go to become truly intersectional, one should look no further than this comment section. TERFs abound, more interested in the oppression olympics than liberating one another.

We must all refuse. It’s that simple, people. We must refuse to take the tests and refuse to pay the fines. And it has to be all of us. We must all refuse.

This asshole just sent out the first big salvo necessary for ethnic cleansing and eugenics: Congressperson from Iowa, y’all.

And yet, a scumbag used condom of a troll seems to think objecting to this fucktard’s behavior is “pearl-clutching.” They get so fucking angry when we deny them access to our bodies whenever they want. I take comfort in the possibility of reincarnation. Each and every POS male will have to live as a woman. Preferably

I guess it’s hilarious if you’ve never been grabbed by a guy or been the subject of harassment and vile words at work or on the street. Congratulations for that.

Good. I don’t want to be your friend. You sound nasty.

Aww, c’mon! He’s a good guy! He was drunk\high\just goofin’! He scored a big deal and was blowin’ off some steam! He gave a homeless guy five bucks once back in college!

I mean, he’s not wrong. It’s super hard to grow a bigger dick.

Note to all: YesYesThisAgain is our resident “but ACTUALLY” MRA type. Do not engage.

Dude, that woman has cool glasses, a sassy haircut, and a nice suit jacket. I’ll bet she’s somewhere right now living her best life and not giving a single fuck.

umm excuse me she is classy did u not read the tweet smh

The only person in the universe who I don’t judge for tweeting this way is Cher. Every one of her tweets is a giant fantastic emoji-laden Rebus puzzle and I am here for it.

“Adult roommate” is such a perfect description of my dad, if by “roommate” you also mean someone who doesn’t pay rent consistently, never cooks, cleans, or wants to go out. My dad nevers want to spend any time with his four kids, even when we’re all home. Seriously, he can’t even be bothered to watch us all open our

i think those on the left and right can all agree that anyone that tweets with this many emojis should be banned from Twitter for life. At the bare minimum.

It’s so frustrating whenever these clueless dads think they deserve a medal for acting like, you know, a parent.

What a bummer for that dude who has to watch his kids. This is on par with parents who say they are “babysitting”.


The most ironic part is women I know are never off. They run our worlds, save our parents, kids and every other relationship that counts.