
does the video lag or is it jumpy for anyone else?

yes, I actually was thinking about that, too bad it is sold out!



my reaction: "Holy crap!"

Anyone else notice the mouse cursor in the picture? ;)

yes, I am all for shutting them down. I just want the nationality to be more specific.

yes, but they bring bad reputation on Estonia, I know many russian people who have an Estonian passport (some of them even consider themselves Estonians) and are really cool and awesome people, but I am tired of Estonia being associated with people who aren't really Estonian. Think of it like if Mexico had invaded and

I don't want to be racist (well I know russians aren't a race, but hey) BUT I absolutely HATE when there are basically Russian immigrants with names like "Ivan Svetsov" or "Dimitri Krudischenko" who run scamming, spamming and other various illegal activities here because of the great internet access and cheap hosting,

No I believe it is 250 MB now.

oh ok.

WHAT. The "bad news" is that it is 300 dollars? Are you serious? It is times like these I envy the people living in the US. Here in Estonia, the phone companies just blatantly rip us off. The last generation iPhone 4 is 700 freaking euros unlocked (961.03 dollars) or 500-600 locked ( 823.74 dollars)

As I have said before, it is probable that they just couldn't handle all the info if *all* the iPhones and iPods would be able to use Siri. The servers would just collapse.

I don't agree with people saying that Siri isn't on older devices only because Apple wants money. Sure, that may be one reason, but I am sure that it is still mainly because Apple just doesn't have the capacity to handle all the new devices requesting data. I mean look at the activations on iTunes, even then errors

Hey, Mind giving us some higher resolution pictures? I would like to scan those QR codes and see what they bring up.

This is what I love about gizmodo, no family rated bullshit. Just 100% real talk and no unnecessary bullshit. Thank you for this great read Gizmodo. You are awesome.

the future is NOWH!

wait a sec, ca.gizmodo.com is on the new layout?

although I don't understand how they f*cked it up so bad with the new seriese? seri? what is the plural of "series"?