
I'm not completely sure this is necessary. A relic that heals an individual from wounds (and perhaps illnesses) isn't particularly dangerous in the grand scheme of things…at least in and of itself. But, powerful and dangerous people would likely find it very valuable for themselves, and THAT makes it very dangerous.

So…"magic now approaches the territory of the miraculous". I was trying to think of a way to articulate why I was so pleased with what was in the box. Despite the show's insistence all along that the Grimm crusaders brought it back from the Holy Land during the Fourth Crusade, all the characters—especially those

Well, it's also about having it on TV at some time for DVR users. I mean, you don't actually have to be up at 5:00am to watch a show that airs at 5:00am.

Language changes. You couldn't use half the words you did to register your complaint without similar semantic shifts, both generalizing and figurative. Hell, even "YEAR" didn't always mean "year". Technically, English "hour" comes from a word meaning "year". "Century" is a lexical analogy that equates a number of

I definitely thought Tree of Life or the True Cross, especially given its guardians and presumed origin in the Holy Land.

HAHA! I genuinely barked a laugh when I read your quip about the Gap ads. At least it is Miami, where long pants are nearly always cotton chino in light colors.

Maybe they'll change their names when EVERYONE they tell them to says, "Oh. Like Frozen?"

I suspect that it hinges entirely on where in each you might have been raised, and who did the raising.

You don't watch Sleepy Hollow, do you? That's a deck made only of Jokers.

Yeah, I looked that Emmy up. Daytime Emmy for Younger Actress in a series. Not impressed. She kind of worked as Buffy, but I mostly say that because as much as I loved the series (and I very much did), I never really liked the character Buffy, so Gellar's limited acting range worked fine enough. But there's not

Beautifully sculpted abs?

I think Dollhouse suffers from inverse-Buffy syndrome. Where fans and critics tend to remember the best of Buffy and forget when it would get downright pedestrian, people tend to remember Dollhouse's weaknesses and failed opportunities, despite the fact that Dollhouse had far more top-tier moments in two brief

It's a supernatural procedural. For most of the show, emphasis on the procedural. The first season in particular is far more about week-to-week monster crimes than the others. If you enjoy procedurals with more and more longterm payoffs and you're generally fond of shows with fantasy premises, then I think there's

Generally, I agree with you, and I continue to be uncomfortable with just how much Adalind's rape of Nick has been largely brushed off, or at least treated in the same category as other attempts to undermine him. Where I have been unexpectedly impressed by the development is that both characters have explicitly

Really, it SHOULD be both.

To be fair, I think that was largely Nick's response.

As below. From the first paragraph of Chapter 12, "Biographical". It's a description of Queequeg's fictional home island of Rokovoko (or Kokovoko in British editions).

Too many plots, criticism or compliment?: Early in Grimm's run I considered its scattered plotting sloppy. It didn't seem to know what it wanted to do with any of the potential storylines, though it remained engaging enough to keep with it. But the last few seasons have landed me far more in the camp that considers

I certainly think it's clear that Trubel is beginning to resent and question Meisner's (and Hadrian's Wall's) cavalier control over her life. She's beginning to realize she's not much of a decision-maker in their efforts, and she doesn't always agree with them. I suspect that her time with them (along with whatever

Again, not necessarily disagreeing with you. Petra MIGHT not have impregnated herself if she didn't think she still had a chance with Rafael. But…the whole conceit of the show is predicated on the fact that it's EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTED TO DO EVEN WHEN SHE KNEW RAFAEL WAS ABOUT TO LEAVE HER. So, I'm more than