
I'm pretty sure DYAD did know about Tony because Sammy was most likely his monitor. Also the briefcase wasn't Beths, it was Katja's. And Beth didn't have Cosima & Jennifer Fitzsimmons birth certificates in her safety deposit box either but they still were being monitored by Dyad so that isn't an indicator of anything.

Ramon has the hookup

this episode was pretty hilarious. Vic calling Paul a "staple gun Ken" made me chuckle. I like the teamwork of Ms.S and Sarah. They are a lot alike and it was nice to see them reluctantly working together. Those two could take down anyone

Me too. Especially because the next season they did have her find out at the end which was even more irritating.

or season 5 when he was behind that sheet with LUUUMen and Deb let them go. so irritating

I feel like Henriks wife is going to turn out to be the one who is more sinister. He was the one who thought Gracie's punishment was a little harsh while the wife was fine with it an thought she should be punished longer. They both are bad but I have my eye on her

I could listen to that actress say Behroooz on repeat for a long time

3 down only a few more clones to go and Paul will have slept with them all

Hannibal is this you? :)

She just does a bad American accent in my opinion

I feel like I'm the only one who thinks shes a really bad actress who is really stiff and does a bad American accent that sounds like she is chewing words. I'm sure she and Jack will be hooking up

Chilton. *crosses fingers*

i agree he was, but then after his encounter with Chilton he wasn't convinced anymore. Plus next week it appears Will & Jack are teaming up but who knows

it still leaves it up in the air. I am hoping he's alive! He's oddly comic relief

I suspect people believing he is the ripper wont last long. It's protocol to arrest someone whose house has three dead & maimed people inside along with evidence against him. Chilton hasn't been tried & convicted yet. When he practically begs Jack to shoot him during their chase, you can see Jacks face change and him

Will said Miriam was "compelled to take his life" so that is still rather ambiguous.

I wont consider it because I got bored at #2.

man some people really take this show seriously. I can't even formulate 25 reasons with accompanying descriptions of why I like chocolate and I really like chocolate

it wasn't played for laughs. I think it was meant to highlight how much of a reality these things are to these people. They get abused, do drugs, go to jail, get in fights, live in vans etc. This is their reality, so a girl getting sexually abused by men isn't as "shocking" to them because it's the type of environment

she's been held captive for a while so who knows how she is now. Hannibal seemed to lead Jack there on purpose so he knew what he was doing and probably knows she's fucked up bad and doesn't even know who she is or something.