I don’t watch but from what I hear on The Read, hasn’t she always been a shady ass liar? So, why exactly it is suddenly a problem now?
I don’t watch but from what I hear on The Read, hasn’t she always been a shady ass liar? So, why exactly it is suddenly a problem now?
A four episode reunion is overkill. Wouldn’t Phaedra manifesting drama be a plus for a reality show? Porsha should go before Phadrea.
You can dislike a person, that’s your prerogative. But attacking someone who made some pretty insensitive comments with even more racism and insensitivity doesn’t do much to help the narrative.
I wonder if those on wrestling scholarships are offered WWE careers as potential outcomes of their degrees?
I don’t want to be disappointed by this, but I can’t help but be a bit giddy at how this may shake out. Please help me to temper my excitement.
I think the best scenario here is if if Flynn hobbles that asshole Trump but doesn’t kill his administration because if Trump is impeached or resigns then we have that evil fucking boy scout Pence to deal with. The bitch is evil but he is competent and can smile while sticking the knife in your asshole. Hobble and…
I hope Flynn has some seriously good security. The high number of dead Russians who may or may not have been involved in nefarious activity with regards to the election makes me think Flynn needs some protection before he gets an opportunity to spill the beans.
The NY Times has a rather short item on this right now that kinda implies that he asked for and was denied immunity. So maybe he doesn’t actually have anything juicy. That would be a bummer.
At lunch today, w/ my co-workers, I asked and answered the question of who would be the first to flip. Am hopeful something comes of it.
Eh, I get it on one hand. On the other, it seems like we’re all pretty invested in dining on snark and schadenfreude in the present day.
If the argument is weak, the name calling begins.. “ie: Oh yeah? Well you are a poopie head” (the argument my 2 year old nephew made to his 14 year old brother when they were verbally sparring and he of course lost).
Okay, so like was this waiter trying to get his ass beat? The first time was too much, but then you’re going to come back after you know you’ve offended the original customer and come at her sister and companions like that?
I’ll respect the office when its occupant does.
That’s a lot of shit talk from someone who hasn’t offered up anything that could be considered concise or clever.
so barney teeth-having steve harvey thinks that everyone who disagrees with where this man is taking them and what he wants them to do with their lives should simply shut up, do what they are told and show some damn respect?
I look forward to CNN’s new show “Why’chall Give ‘em a Chance?” starring Van Jones and Steve Harvey.
Ain’t heard a peep about trying to apprehend the “leaker”. Orange Foolious is correct it is a crime to steal someone’s tax report. Yet he’s up at 5AM e-beefing with Snoop? Smells like John Miller to me.