Where can I get a Honda Corolla? Craigslist?
Where can I get a Honda Corolla? Craigslist?
I look forward to reading your escapades repairing this thing next year.
To be fair, any energy drink DOES fit with the dental failures theme.
>never driven hard
If you go, get the VIN. There’s no way this is legal unless it’s a modified US car.
Dang it, someone let David steal Jason’s slot again.
Gambling in RDR got a pass because the real money currency (gold bars) is separate from the in-game currency. If they add gambling to GTA it’s going to need a separate currency as well, possibly from it’s own missions like the Arena War points were.
His legacy as an all-time great is in the baaaag.
...you have my attention in 2030.
Actually compete or try to compete? The latter has a few choices but I don’t really consider them serious contenders.
You have my attention.
I seriously don’t understand the people that drive around sweating to shave off a millisecond. I bought a project Corvette that had it removed and you better believe the first reasonably priced AC unit I find is going right back on it.
You know what costs more than maintenance on your Explorer? Buying a new car. Good on you.
A performance car. Is too intimidating.
Which is worse: the utter futility of this sentient existence... or the DMV?
“We’ve got both kinds of cars! Crossover AND suv!”
Damn Detroit, you scary. - Somalia
$5500 for a Jaaaag. NP.
We heard you out in 2016. Thank you for your input, it will be circular filed appropriately.
Lexus should steal any grille. Literally any other grille.