
Lamar Odom.  But he did it the hard way.

This isn’t the gender or “patriarchy!” issue you really seem to want it to be. The constant among anyone who is famous - regardless of gender, race, age - is getting some form of highly personal abuse. The “fat/old/ugly” card gets pulled on men too - check out the Twitter mentions of any famous male.  Trump for

One of those criticisms is merely a cruder version of the other.

Legally, yes, Urban had a responsibility of reporting any incidents he knew about that were previously unreported.
And the solution to the legal system failing to protect a person being abused is not to shrug your shoulders and say “ah well, it must be nothing if there’s no arrest...even if I know dude is still beating

Under Title IX, he has (had?) a legal duty to report this kind of abuse.  I think that will be the legal proximate cause of his firing.

Just like Michigan State and US Gymnastics aren’t at fault for turning a blind eye to a child rapist doing his thing on hundreds of young women. Can’t trust the testimony of a female - where’s the hard evidence, right?


But it isn’t. I know plenty of drug addicts who come from stable, two parent households. And just as many with shit parents who succeeded in spite.

I think people are disagreeing about Ed's qualifications to be arbiter of who specifically should be having kids.  Or even weighing in on the topic.

Do you seriously not see the connection between generational poverty, systemic lack of resources and bad parenting outcomes? Its not even an race thing, as poor white kids face the same problems.

Pretty sure he is. Its on par with saying All Lives Matter in direct response to hearing someine say that Black lives Matter.  Deliberately missing the point being made about systemic injustice to detail it with whataboutery.  Seems to only happen when non whites try to talk about systemic changes.

TIL rich white men winning elections is historic

Get hardwood floors.

A two parent household can manage both a consistent bedtime AND an adult social life.  Especially if you live near close family.

Ronaldo is at Juventus now, so it might be premature to label Serie A as minor league.

Thats how I make eggs when I go camping

Sounds boring.  Swing and miss 1000 pitches in a row?

Sell a more scarce product and you don’t have this issue. the market is flooded with mediocre photographers. For anyone generating daily content at scale, mediocre has the best price point. You have to be famous or work for the best to get paid as an entertainer, athlete or artist.

Doubtful that sbnation is in the black. like most venture backed businesses, the goal is to generate enough ad revenue and traffic to attract future, bigger rounds of investment.

Yes.  The willingness to walk away from shitty deals is what takes leverage away from companies that badly underpay.

Or, alternatively, they are just getting what they paid for.