“Ninety-five percent of women who have had abortions do not regret the decision to terminate their pregnancies,”
“Ninety-five percent of women who have had abortions do not regret the decision to terminate their pregnancies,”
“Does it solve the problem by taking the life of an innocent child?”
The baby was delivered by planned C Section, precisely because labour and childbirth would have been so physically dangerous. That poor little girl.
He probably thinks pregnancy is no worse than putting a pillow under your shirt. Pregnancy was the most miserable time of my life, and I’m a grown, rather fit woman who had a “easy” pregnancy. That poor little girl. Huckabee is a sadistic shitstain. I frighten myself when I think of all the bad things I want to happen…
This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.
“There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.
I once met a woman who had a baby at age 10. She was 27, and had a 17-year-old. She loved her son, but she hated that she’d lost a great deal of her childhood, and she couldn’t get pregnant again and had a host of health problems from giving birth so many years before her body was ready. It was tragic and awful.
That made me so angry too. Like, get the fuck over it, not everyone feels guilty about their abortions. This is obviously a harmful stereotype and I wish it would die already.
One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.
His rationale for such a decision is two-fold Huckabee explained, it protects both fetus and mother: “There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.
Does it really solve the problem if we take the life of this tumor? Let's not compound a tragedy, the tumor stays. I'm not pretending this is easy.
This happened to me. And I DID get confronted about it.
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.
I’ve always said that humans should live like bonobos—matriarchy, no violence, cooperation, and also fucking absolutely everyone regardless of gender or age. It’s my vision of a feminist utopia.
Yes, it’s basically hippy era free love + Tinder.
Oh my god I’m so glad there’s a space for me to express how stupid this article is. It’s literally the exact same article papers have been writing about rich white kids in Manhattan since the 1920s, updated each year to include the new technology and trend.
According to a concerning trend piece on the current ‘dating apocalypse’ of twentysomethings, hookup culture has hit…
I desperately want Trump to get the nomintmation just for the sheer majesty of it all.
what the heck is going on here