
For all the vitriol that the racist British tabloid press flings against Meghan, she’s been devoted to the causes that she promotes since she was a young woman. Nothing about what she’s been advocating for has changed, her address and the way she’s addressed has changed. However, she’s still interested in helping to

There is enough room for Jesus in that still shot.

look at her. touching another person. and they’re black! LOOK!

“THIS IS WHAT HUMANS DO RIGHT?” she thought to herself.

...so you’re not buying Taylor’s bro love interest in her latest video?

It feels ridiculous for comedians to be making serious public statements...

Gradually Sharon Osborne is turning into Glen Close.

These two are such losers! They couldn’t even stop a stupid twitter hashtag from trending! Pathetic.

I used to be the same, with the “You’re gay, who cares?” I thought this was the enlightened approach. But that shit is the same as people who say they don’t see color. I don’t care, because my privilege allows me to not care if Lil Nas X is gay. But that’s a part of his identity and if he wants/needs to express it,

micro agression, macro scale.

Yeah, this would barely make news if it weren’t for her fame (and amazing talent!), yet because of her fame, it’s a shocking story...???

Dave’s probably not the best example to use.  He’s a confirmed dog.

let those amongst us who *haven’t* had unprotected sex with porn stars while their third wife was having their child cast the first stone

Considering trump actually didn’t do anything to speed up his release and probably hampered it ghosting him seems like an appropriate move.

YES. And I guarantee that every #boymom who says “well, my son has lots of energy/likes playing with toy trucks/makes fart jokes” because he’s a boy also uses that justification to excuse behavior that ranges from totally normal for a child that age (meltdowns and tantrums happen), to totally abnormal but justifiable,

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the

Also the use of the word “folks”.  Very MAGA  (not sarcasm)

You hear over and over a million times that Males are the great evil on this planet.

And The Wizard with Fred Savage!

Jenny Lewis was the wicked little teddy bear girl that Rose threw out the door in one of TV’s best moments ever?? Wow, that’s really wild. Thank you. :)

Ten years of parole is utterly insane. For what? What public good will come from this?