
Yeah, when I saw she was in her first year at a top MATH PhD program, I wondered about this...sounds like she was immensely talented, and it takes a very high achiever to accomplish what she did by the age of 23. PhD programs can really exacerbate existing mental health issues, especially in the first year, when

How about making them open to financial liability for all medical costs associated with their choice be it their own children or other people’s kids. I suspect selfishness is part of the reason some people choose not to vaccinate at all and this would be a deterrent. 

I know I’ve heard courts getting involved in Oregon in cases of parents who did faith-based healings on their seriously ill kids and refused medical treatment. However, on vaccinations, I’m not sure. Oregon is one of the many many states that allows for personal and religious exemptions to vaccinations; so probably

This story proves, without a shadow of a doubt, the futility of arguing with hardcore anti-vaxxers. If almost losing a child, something I fear much more than dying myself, isn’t enough to shake these people, nothing will. Bet the medical staff treating this poor child had to restrain themselves.

You know how he gets when he drinks...”

“Do you want to be seen as a problem maker or problem solver?”

The military has a major rape problem and the way it handles it is to sweet it under the rug and shame women into silence. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say ‘He’s a good man, this will ruin his career!’ or some variation on that... I wouldn’t be poor.

Hillary’s response to Donald’s Tweet was magic:

35 Years a Slave, coming to a theater near you, February 47th.

THANK YOU. It is taken far more seriously from you than from a non fundie nutter Christian. ;)

Imagine if Omar was saying what normal everyday #resisters say about Trump (or Bernie, for that matter) about Bibi or Israel!

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

It was smart to scale back.

Vilifying Omar IS how they’re deflecting criticism. Netanyahu’s corruption and whatever fresh hell they’re visiting on Gaza won’t receive any substantial coverage while every pundit with a media platform is going to be howling for her to resign. 

The conservatives that claim political correctness destroys debate and discussion are the same ones clutching their pearls over Omar’s alleged antisemitism. You could argue what she said is borderline, and I totally understand how people may take offense to it, but the “aggrieved” are clearly using “political

Can’t wait to see how the “Israel defenders” in our government deflect this (while STILL vilifying Omar):

Omar is not a stupid person, and she has to know anytime you start talking about fears of “allegiance” to Israel or dual allegiance, folks are going to point out that this was the language to stoke fears of Jewish politicians for years.

This is how Colin Kaepernik ended up having to defend himself from accusations of “disrespecting the troops” when he asked that cops not kill black people indiscriminately.  This is Grade A deflection. 

This here is the fear of powerful people who know their boat is about to get fucking rocked.