
Not true. I had friends win on Let’s Make a Deal, you get slapped by the IRS when you file your taxes. They also charge MSRP for everything so even if the TV you won can be bought at Best Buy for $250, it the MSRP is $700 that’s what you are taxed on.

Source? I always thought they just made you fill out the tax form and gave you the receipt, signing something agreeing you know the winnings are taxable and have been submitted to the IRS etc. i.e., if you don’t report it, they’re definitely going to know.

Even if it’s so heavy and expensive, wouldn’t it still be worth it for someone like Bentley or RR to license it? If it worked so well, their customers would pay for the ultimate luxury ride

We all know BOSE is for suckers with too much money.

What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.

The bed IS separate from the cab. You just have to look closely to see the door line.

COTD inside of a COTD?

Well he’s happy, so that’s all the matters. At least that’s what I mom told me.

Electric Van

1 in 23 people bought a new car this year, on average

Precisely. The company is up to some shady practices, but this doesn’t even register as one.

God. Please. Let me forget.



I totally believe it.

Someone is very good at reading articles.

Not usually one for suing people, but...

Other than Land_Yacht’s S600 nomination, these suggestions lack taste and imagination. Level up, Jalops.