
setting an example then being made an example of... love it

and now we have a new internet meme..

damn, that was just down the road a bit and I missed it!?

I've been tweeted at by Bissonnette a few times and the first time it indeed blew my mind. All my hockey friends chirp him on twitter too and he does a pretty good job of replying. He even blocked one of us!

haha true.

yea I test drove one just bc the front end is so legit. F**k that Dodge.


come back when you have a real opinion.

every car I built in Forza


"are you okay with swearing?"
- for you swearing or for me to swear?
"for all of us. Nobody likes walking on fucking eggshells"

must have had some good times in that car. Can we get a followup of the refurb?

ANY variation of this. To these drivers; I might not go out of my way to let you over and will turn my windshield wipers on to annoyingly mist your car if I catch you tailgating me.

ugh..why did I watch this.

Now playing

in the video there is actually one that crushes some trees...and a gnarly flip soon after

I cross that monthly. I brought my girlfriend to Ocean City, MD and had to cross the bridge a week ago. She cracked the window in preparation for submersion... last time I laugh at her.

I'm not a bike expert but...what and why?

I want to buy a Wrangler Unlimited 2013 and just keep forever while buying other cars here and there along the way. Is that crazy?