
no gameplay in the trailer, who gives a shit.

If you aren’t going to show me the actual game I’m not interested in the slightest at this point.

You should play the first game, I think you’d enjoy it.

people need to stop saying this. RT is off, it has been since i loaded up the game for the first time.

There are some MASSIVE issues with the PC release and they seem to hit most people on the second planet.

I would LOVE to play it but as soon as I got to the second planet the game will not stop freezing on my (quite decent) PC. It’ll freeze on load sometimes. It’ll freeze after 20 minutes sometimes. Sometimes it freezes at a savepoint. Sometimes it’ll freeze if I load the crafting table. Sometimes it just freezes whI’m

absolutely not

this is coming literal years too late for me unfortunatly.  I played an ungodly amount of destiny 1 and launch destiny 2 but as a solo player it just didn’t stay fun as they kept bolting more and more mechanics into 2

It shows you in the lobby what platform everybody is on and what mechanism they are using for control (so you’ll see a little Xbox Icon and next to it a Gamepad icon for example).

It’s extremely easy to see this info.

this makes no sense, modern CoD has 2 hoppers. One for Keyboard controls and one for gamepad controls, and the game is very very militant about this, if it detects you trying to switch midmatch it won’t let you until a restart.

Becuase this isn’t a Alien game, it’s a Aliens game.

sure except that was a bad movie, we don’t know if this is a bad game or not, but if it ends up being a good game then this trailer has made everybody already know about it which is easy to capitalize on.

real weird not saying the library is the worst part of halo 1

(also fuck slideshows)

so they made a bad trailer and now everybody, including kotaku, are talking about it.

the $90cad price point is INSANE for this, it doens’t even include the original, shockingly good, multiplayer, which was part of the cheaper asking price on the PS3.

I’d absolutley pay for the steam version right now, even a pre-order, or early access, or something! But instead nothing has happened at this point for years so... :\

oh for sure that’s 100%, more clicks, more revenue, but the community hates it and it needs to be repeated

the fuck, kotaku is able to display articles like this that aren’t slideshows?! who knew!  I wonder if the authors could try it more often....

Double it and add 30 is a much more effective, and quick, method!

Good list but how in the world is Mr Baseball not listed?!

the ones that don’t exist yet?

But that doesn’t excuse the lack of communication on any major expansions and proper DLC that might be in the works.”

but why? why do they have to tell you anything lol