Apply with both hands, but in a really weird way that creates almost no rotation.
Apply with both hands, but in a really weird way that creates almost no rotation.
Way to miss the entire point, Captain Pedant.
Doesn’t work for women.
I think she (assuming exile is a she) is correct though - pyramid schemes are more often targeted at women via social media, both because they’re a more likely target market for the products (which are often clothing and beauty products) and more likely to be stay at home parents who can be recruited via promises of…
Holy shit, no joke. I looked at Facebook last night and three friends, in a row, had pasted that Roden+Fields stuff (all with the same puff piece writing and picture - ACT NOW!). Friends should not be treated as saps. It was depressing.
One of the many ways men are privileged over women is they don’t deal with the same constant bombardment of the-not-quite-Ponzi-scheme-but-somehow-even-more-awkward LulaRoe/Scentsy/Roden+Fields/body wrap sales pitches from high school classmates on Facebook.
He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.
This is completely unfair. Deron, Jefferson, Korver, and Frye are an incredible unit together and I have the NBA 2K9 disc to prove it.
Obviously, your situation is extreme, but I still wouldn’t leave my child alone with them, but my life, too, is extreme.
Are you kidding me, though? Because my child is 13 and due to mental illness I’ve had to leave her alone with doctors and therapists quite a few times. Please do not assign the blame on this to anyone other than the person responsible - this fucking asshole of a man.
She was never left alone. Her mother was in the room with her at every appointment.
Paid by my tax dollars
This!! You can tell a lot about a person when you’re dating- how does he keep his home?? Does he pay his bills on time? Is he responsible or does he live like a child? That’s stuff you need to suss out before kids. My husband was very tidy when I met him- he didn’t neglect his laundry. He ate three meals a day. He…
You know, growing up we were warned against marrying people who were cheaters, alcoholics/addicts, domestic abusers, etc. But another vice which can have profound effects on a marriage is LAZINESS. Having a home, maintaining a marriage, and raising kids is a lot of necessary and tedious work. If your partner is…
Here’s the issue my husband believes (like literally believes) we are at 50/50 when in reality it’s more like 90/10 and it blows my mind. What was even more revealing is I tried to create a chore chart/list to create a more equal workload but so many items I was like “he won’t do that right” or “this looks like he’s…
Also, “we’re better at it” or “you’ll just criticize how I do it.” So I’m not allowed to discuss how something should be done (like, oh, no soda or sugars after 7pm for the kids), because then it gives them an out for doing anything at all. Is it better to shut up and have a half-ass job done? Not for me, no. It makes…
You read Jezebel.
“cuz MY MOM did it!”
Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until…
They are expecting their fifth child. *barfing*