
I usually don’t care for bits like this, but the joke in this one was so well thought out that I gotta give it a pass.

Damn without lesbians. How will I get a hard dick. Movie ruined.

They already made him autistic, leave him alone!

Lol two wrongs attempting to make right

The “games are serious business” crowd is the worst.

Yea, she sounds just lovely...

No black panther or falcon?

Sounds try hard generic, but I may just be wrong.

So he’s Goin after a younger Eugene levy...nice


You really think Dr nerd love is in a healthy relationship?

Threesome, then kick her ass to the curb the second she starts complaining.

Now this...is some shit advice

Maybe she’ll come back?

Create a hero, or black panther.

Oh no, not a baby! How new and innovative!

Look, I’m not saying you should be fired for this list, just beaten...beaten horribly for such a shit list.

Nothing gets my dick harder than a dead gamer