
She’s not really wrong even if it sounds crazy.

What is this post? it’s not an article, I’m not even sure it’s a complete thought. Please attempt to explain a portion of something here. Marian Williamson is a rolling tumbleweed of a presidential candidate, but her statement captured in this video above, while worded in bargain-basement level of cleverness, is based

She’s exceedingly not polished and stumbled through her points, but she did bring up the fact that we have sick care in this country.

I am disappointed. That was a stretch to call it Goop. Our food policies are terrible, the things that are allowed in “nutritional” school lunches is appalling. We do have bad chemical policies, as we allow dumping in our rivers and many other pollutants.

She made a good point (in her own unique way) that trying to run a Democrat in a “business as usual”, 2016 manner of discussing their own individual policy statements and regurgitating pieces of their stump speeches simply will not work if the Democrats want to beat Trump.

I cringed at the blaccented “girlfriend” she used in her hypothetical phone call with the prime minister of New Zealand.

To be perfectly honest, she might be on to something. I can see why her words sound goop inspired to american audiences, but at least for some of us outside the US, it actually resonates in a familiar way. For a while now, psychoanalysts and sociologists have been trying to stem the tide of an overly medical/medicine

It started off as a “Right on, sister! Preach!!” for the first few seconds and then it made a screeching right turn into crazy-town. By the time she was done with her first sound bite, I was all:

But she was right.

Reminds me, I wish “kitchen-table issues” and “bread & butter issues” would die as folksy phrases/dog whistles.

They wanna know how we’re gonna put food on their table.”

Very little gets people riled up quicker than daring to suggest that they do not own their children and that they do have basic human rights. I don't think they realize how revealing that is. 

I would like to go a step outside this BS binary she’s attempting to create to point out that the government Does tell you what to do with your children. What else do we call laws concerning education standards in regards to homeschooling, child abuse laws, child labor laws, etc.?

The official shirt of every single presidential campaign ever.

“To me, it’s no different than the abortion debate,” Williamson said. “The U.S. government doesn’t tell any citizen, in my book, what they have to do with their body or their child.”

People will never be convinced. There is a personality type that simply cannot accept facts and will see a conspiracy everywhere. Make it a mandatory law like a car seat is mandatory for children. Safety has no exceptions.

I understand that public safety must come first. But I also understand that we must have a balance between public safety and the issue of individual freedom.

Biden continues to confirm my suspicion that he’s a disaster of a Dem candidate.

Take this picture:

“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland ... he never called me boy, he always called me son. At least there was some civility. We got things done”