I bet if you include service area coverage in this Verizon would rise up, and T-mobile would fall. #cellphones
I bet if you include service area coverage in this Verizon would rise up, and T-mobile would fall. #cellphones
@hot_heart: well now you're just being silly ... #majornelson
Fisher Bullet Space Pens FTW!
@Sisee: ... and it was buggy. I got it on the PC and several times I would loot and then my character would freeze up, or I would get trapped in a combat animation and keep getting hit without being able to do anything. updating with patches did not help!
@Bonuslevel: Well, one could argue that since there are no visual scratches that this is a bust of Master Chief before he has gone through considerable amounts of combat, and still has nice shiny new armor. That could explane the coloring being off.
According to gamestop the early demo is "a full week early" which would indicate that we could have a demo for everyone else next Thursday. Only time will tell, but I'm hoping it won't be longer.
@CustomFirmware: Agreed it should have been done already!
@usul356: Me too!
@Southrncomfortjm: they will be out when Gears of War 3 drops next year.
I didn't see the image of the "bought together" before clicking the Amazon link, and I thought this phrase was supposed to sum up the fanbase:
@bobtheduck: true, they are doing things right at the moment, but they are still way behind. Not to mention the fact that they still don't have a very big list of promising exclusive titles.
@ctorrans: Agreed! I don't know who they got to do that score, but hopefully they do alot more for the game.
@Jiawei Sun: They added bits of Yellow color to it!
@omgwtflolbbqbye: I don't know about you guys, but a big complaint I had about the first game was the lack of direction at times. I got stuck because I didn't know where I was supposed to go for the longest time. The mission objective was completely unhelpful, and I was stuck just wandering back and forth looking for…
@Blurns: that's the whole point of a teaser, not tell you much but show you somehting interesting so that you want to follow the game/movie and learn more about it
@CarlMarssilas: Hexagons are indeed teh sex!
yeah, I've never really been a huge fan of the castlevania series of games, but this looks BADASS. It seems like it's God Of War meets Vampire Hunter D
@Fernando Jorge: I give this 4 1/2 thumbs up!
WTF, I just got an e-mail that they updated the beta 2 days ago, and now it's live?!