@kryllen: You are going to die ALOT!
@kryllen: You are going to die ALOT!
@Lemming: ... and cartoons with grossly oversized weapons? ... no thanks!
@Methusalah: Stargate Worlds might not even get released lol. I know the last update I saw they were having trouble getting additional funding needed to continue development. I don't think the website has had any updates in like a month, so I'm putting it in a limbo right now lol.
@Fadakar: I agree with you. My brother was big into Star Trek, and I would watch TNG episodes with him from time to time, and I would enjoy them at times. I was big into the Star Wars though.
@Powerslave: ... ALMOST, and I still wish I could get my money back from the 2 years worth of wasted time and money on this game. I hate you Blizzard!
Here's my problem with this game.
@IleneAntion: ummm yeah, when they ship your xbox back from service they give you a free month of gold if you were already a gold member, and they give you an e-mail to your account's e-mail address when your gold membership expires to remind you to re-up.
@jazix: I hope they are getting Bob Hastings for Gordon and not that terrible voice that was in the trailer. That was definitely NOT a good Gordon voice they used there.
I wonder if they only researched the interactions for recent games though. Surely if they were researching message board activity and fansites Halo3 would be among the top of that interactions list, as well as gears of war and call of duty most likely. There is a reason that those games are within the top 5 of the…
@UNKN: you both have nice avatars and are full of win!
This sounds absolutely bad@$$. I can't wait for it.
@xbulletholes: he is a part of the squad and they get separated and he gets knocked out in his drop pod. The game starts when he wakes up, and then you have to figure out what happened to the rest of your squad.
has anyone else had a problem with these themes not displaying properly on a standard def TV? On my TV it cuts off from all 4 edges and just looks like a zoomed in version of what it actually should be.
correction, I believe Val Kilmer did have nipples on his bat suit, for the 'sonar suit' worn at the end of the film.
@Jethrothegreat: The whole art style sucks. It looks way too cartoony. They should have made this related to the clone wars.
I can't wait for a multiplayer match where people can't just charge headlong at you without any worries. The firehose effect of bullets is going to be the best part and might actually make players switch up tactics and use a little more thought and skill instead of just twitch and reaction.
@synth7: G7 4Life!
@DarkHavoc99: This seems to fit, and you would play as an ODST.
some guys over at the Halo.bungie.org forums have pointed out that this trailer is showing the city of new mombasa, which was destroyed at the end of Halo 2. So whatever this is it may be taking place between Halo 2 and Halo 3.
Yeah, I have to agree with the lot of ya. I loved the first 3 games, but DA was a huge drop-off. I think they just figured they could play off the popularity of 24, but it's not 24.