
Well, story's one thing, but how much of actual gameplay is there in those games?
Are there any choices to make? Any puzzles to solve? I'm not saying exploration games aren't valid games to the people that like them, but I don't usually like playing them unless I have some sort of control in them to feel like I'm

Subpar story, horrible port for PC in general.

Horrible Texture quality (I think that Doom GL brutal mode have better textures in some parts than this).
The weapons feel weird.
No FoV slider (that one really hurts the PC audience)
I'm not even going to start talking about all the "OMGSH DOG WILL SAVE 'MERICA" story

You're pretty much describing Witcher 2.

I'm kinda annoyed with myself for deciding to buy Skyrim + expansions even though I don't really have the money for that right now. It turns out I can't even run it on low settings. Grrr.

Anyone who isn't excited about this game is an idiot. See what I did there?

I guess we won't be seeing you in the game then.

And then we have this guy with his definitive, everything is right with the universe, opinion. Get over yourself.

I want this game so ba-ba-ba-baaaadly

Yes, you are clearly somebody who knows what they are talking about.

small team has to drop everything and focus on this instead of looking after the game...

A lot of these have a child-like air about em—which is awesome, I think.

I used to put underwear on my head and I WAS spiderman.

If they add velociraptors, I will buy it tomorrow

Yep. We did it. We decided we couldn't hold off any longer. The longer we keep zombies in – the more complaints we'd get about removing them. We are forcing ourselves to deal with it. We are no longer a zombie survival game! They've been replaced with red bears and wolves. You hate them. We know. They're just plugging

...not all man holes are always covered