
Annnnnnnnnnnd SOLD

Thank you, I’ll check out the stream!

That’s a valid concern, especially for me who is barely getting into PC gaming- I can barely find the buttons I need while looking DIRECTLY AT THE KEYBOARD lol

Yesss! Can’t agree more. I just got the Vive last month so I’m trying to be hopeful lol. Still looking out for Ace Combat PSVR sometime this year to fill the void.

This looks AMAZING. I wonder if it will have any VR capability.

That’s a damn good looking ride! Classic movie too

Checks Google: Is Aziz Ansari the president?

to using a $3,400 device called the Crustastun, marketed as “the world’s most compassionate stunning system for crabs and lobsters.”

Oh Destiny.... A Fantastic engine wasted on pitiful story and repeat content. Would love to see someone do something actually fun and NEW with their engine instead of the same ol’ bullshit over and over.

I just started playing it last week but I’m already feeling the “not enough maps” issue- Also the maps that do exist seem really small and underwhelming. The Ship and Bunker maps are a good example..

Hope this guy gets his butthole swatted by peens every day in prison.

Yup but specifically the first two-part story (I think it’s the first on the DVD, sorry if wrong) where it shows the rise of the machines. It was one of those stories that shakes me to the core because of how possible a reality it is to some extent

That whole episode fucked me up.

Agreed. I would love to see some flashbacks to the replicants doing their thing before the revolution. I vaguely remember a mention of them being used for underwater ops and thought “COOL I want to see that!!”

Both are totally enjoyable but I prefer the realism of BG.. But even on the One X it has a ton of network lag, stutters, and total dropouts for my friends on the original Xbox One. The devs did say their main goal of 2018 was to improve that stuff- fingers crossed.

I wish GTA would do this with the V engine soooo baaaaadly. w/100 players screw it I’d be fine with no traffic and a dumbed down map it’d still be solid.

Yuuup south Texas born and raised here and fuck that flag. I live in and drive through several smaller towns around here and there’s only one house out of hundreds I drive by every day that has a confederate flag flying. They even cutesie it up by having Santa holding it this year... again fuck that flag.

I skimmed a couple Reddit articles saying it works for Rift but the controls are a little wonky

There is room for improvement.. For one, I can play sitting which I love but I’m about the height of Oddjob and can’t calibrate otherwise, so I have accepted that I’m playing through as a child trying to find my even younger son.

Died of old age waiting for the punch line but.. what the hey