
Sam was annoying and it seems mostly due to crap parenting (probably due to the whole zombocalypse going on).

The Witness and Firewatch are finally making my PS4 feel like a good purchase again.

I keep hoping... we lose too many people every day to that shit

Been a painful year so far. RIP AR

Cannot wait for mods to start making it to the consoles.

I totally know what you’re saying... That video is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s strangely comforting and eerie and wonderful and beautiful and No please don’t go!! No you have to :(

He sure was...

F*@# Yes.

Thanks man. Every post helps solidify the reality that is today.

Perfect day for an article about this game. Be sure to listen to the Radiolab podcast with an interview with the mother and father.

Guessing someone decided calling it “The Suicide” may have been one straw too many for a camel that was well overburdened.

So true.. loss of those we love are the hardest thing this world can throw at us too. At least she’s with her kids.. as fucked up as even that sounds..

Yeah.. sorry it’s the only way I know. Really am sad to hear what their family has to go through.

Haha of COURSE Preston would end with xoxo

“However, the BBC understands Arthur Simpson-Kent, 48, left the UK and may be in Ghana.”

I’ve been saying drugs are the answer for so long. This video completely seals the deal.

Good lord that's big.

Now that you mention it, how the hell is Infamous not on this list??

Sad list if you own both systems and just want the PS4 for the exclusives. Well there was bloodborne... and...that movie game.. Master Console!!

Agreed. Can’t wait to go all Fallout 4 on that one. (aka I ignore life for 3 weeks until virtual life is satisfactorily complete)