

That would be the shit if the next DayZ style game was you trying to survive in a world inhabited by star wars characters

This is exactly how I would imagine a giant Lizard-God doing yoga!


I could see them releasing all the maps with Comet. That would make for about a year long exclusivity contract I guess.

I could be totally wrong but I thought I read somewhere that the devs are already working on a sequel.

But thats the wooorst paaart!!

That’s awesome! I also respect the hell out of these guys for doing it right. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little envious every time I see amazing cosplays like this

I would love more closeups of smaller groups- so much dang detail

Oh yeah that wasnt sarcasm, I love the variety!

No one looks exactly the same... how...? God I love star wars fans.

They have a really static attack pattern and can catch you off guard with that sack in a heartbeat

I heard the 8th movie is called “Return of the Binks” and shows the loveable characters’ entire life story.

Good idea! Just make friends with the randos you match up with- I’ll give it a try

Whoa even the bodies get soaked with blood. This is a fantastic game, I just wish I had someone to consistently join up with. Seems to take a while to get a couple teammates

Cheeky bastard is drunk!

I like to use it for blind corners in a new area.. kind of a one hit buffer

Been a while since I’ve had some good “ladder action”

Almost like it detracts from the ultimate goal which is to understand that we’re all the same. We’re literally all comprised of the same atoms, but each shaped and crafted through the lives we live.