"freidnship can come tru many things.."
"freidnship can come tru many things.."
Dammit this game had potential.. Maybe they can team up with the guys from Orion: Prelude to create a DinoRiders style epic
Now I ain't sayin she a gold digga, but she ain't messin with no broke developers.
Wow that worked perfectly, and hilariously. Stanley's classic "work from home adventures"
Hah, "Biscuits."
He surely was brilliant and will be missed. It HAS been pretty emotional watching his movies however there's something to say about how much he's left behind for us to remember him by.
I've been on a marathon watching his movies since last week. It's still pretty surreal.
So What would be a good standard test, run Skyrim with a good bit of mods set to Ultra?
Jack Black? Morgan Freeman? Jim Carrey?
Hahahaha HELLO MR BOND. My dream is to play a game with Jimmy Fallon and Conan Obrien.
..and he seeded for our sons
What a stupid title to even try this with. Should have known there would be backlash
in my experience with kids on call of duty, this one was basically Gandhi jr
it's always amazing to me how people can persevere past a tragedy like that.. Beautiful story and can't wait to play the game
Aww.. Kids and teenagers remind me that the world is still awesome.
That's awesome. All of the halo MP will be a whole new ballgame if there's no server/glitch exploitation. That literally killed halo after halo
You show me one case of burst penis... and then show me another.. Because damn that's probably painful
You're not penising right then!
I remember my pants went WILD when I saw it.