
Whoa I didn't even know you couldn't log on with a game from another country. Easy thing to miss being in the US. Thanks for the info

Too soon.

Anytime I play a game like GTA IV or AC 2 this is EXACTLY what I imagine is right below. Luckily I can't swim down to investigate and have the literal poops scared out of me.

If an Aussie really wanted it to include that part, couldnt they just order it online?


"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - the late great Colonel Sanders

I got a kickstarter one. Right on time though, I wonder when they started having delivery trouble.

HAAAHA aaah thanks for this.

Haha oh I couldn't tell.. like at all :P

Opportune time for turtle ticklin

Ouch.. Way to just shine a light on it Tina

Must...stop...thinking...about...GTA.... impossiburu!

So effing weird

Some of the finest MineSploitation I've seen. awesome work!

Holy crap-LOVE.

I cannot WAIT for the rep system as long as it actually functions this time. So tired of taking the time to crawl through the dashboards feedback rating for a cheater or d-bag just to get them in the next match.

haaaahahaha I just saw this. Magical magic.

Holy crap Bethesda is doing a Wolfenstein?? I like where this is headed. I didn't think the 2009 one was too bad at all so if its any better, it should be solid.

God I love Vimeo