
Can't wait to see Outlast on OR

Biscuits are there to be enjoyed, not called cookies

This is amazing. And much needed.TwitRage is out of controwol.

Here, solid, photographic proof.

NIIIIIICE!! Worth the wait

Since this is my mouse, any new mice get me excited.

How you gonna hold a massive 2 ton sword/gun/hot dog withOUT some massive jiggleh j-jugs squeezed into some tightly bound silk?!

If it aint a D cup and jiggleh IDK if I can take it seriously as a lead chest.

I cared not about this game until I saw the 13 min gameplay vid. Now it's right up there on the "can't wait" list with GTA V


Those were two of my favs at that age too (well Twister anyway, but loved 5th element as soon as I saw it in theatres)

Same. So bad..


Well done

Same here. It's getting done. Today.

daaaww give her da cache

I love the current design minus a few wear and tear annoyances so if anything besides the subtle comfort changes hopefully they'll last a while longer than the 360 controllers

They would make terrible noise on everyones mic, like a ground issue, yeah they need to step that game up quite a bit

Damnit I want those nubs now.

Nice side by side- if it's as smooth as Max Payne 3 I'll be totally satisfied. Wouldn't hurt if it was as pretty too