As a privileged white male, we only resort to threats to sex workers as a last resort.
As a privileged white male, we only resort to threats to sex workers as a last resort.
You’re talking as if sex workers aren’t people but I am willing to bet you have a couple porn tabs open right now. The coach took the video himself and sent it to her. That not “taking advantage of some guy” that’s simply “checking your email”.
(presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown)
He had issues with the kneeling. All the white coaches in the nfl had issues - none kneeled or spoke in support. Not one. He’s talking white, snorting white, while moralizing over black men, and blowing coke off (redacted) black women.
Less fucked over, more getting what he had coming to him. He was allowed to resign, rather than be fired, while getting the cop-out of “I have a problem, I’m going to get help”. He cheated on his wife, the mother of their three children, with a stripper, while doing cocaine, and then attempted to use his imaginary…
Nice cynical take. No, he got played like a stupid drug addicted older white guy who likes doing blow off (redacted) black women while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality. He got exactly what he deserved and so far, as far I can tell... only other white men…
I’m thinking a 1.5 and that’s before allegations.
you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less…
Terry Crews has said some pretty awesome things in the past and has pointed out how toxic masculinity / toxic male pride has is dangerous.
Terry Crews was so much more than just some macho guy before he even played football. He didn’t even get into college from football, he got in on an arts scholarship because he draws and paints and just played football for the hell of it.
Find interview where Crews talks about women in general, you will like him even more.
I’ve said it a million times, and I’ll say it again: Terry Crews is a living breathing goddamn national treasure
I am usually very much not a Bourdain fan but he’s been pretty great. He’s been giving props to Rose McGowan. And also his Matt Damon call outs.
I love Bourdain, he seems to be a good partner to her.
I hope everyone of Harvey Weinstein’s has people in their corner who are as fiercely supportive of them as Asia Argento has. Bourdain’s been on fire for days!
Also, there is a non-zero chance that the groper was white.
I like your theory, but I feel very confident he hasn’t figured out how to remove the “Sent from my iPhone” default.
...Or Taylor who knew to sit way the fuck over there...
You’re back!!!