Harbour Seal

Me rolling out from under my rock to watch US news:

All things considered, if you’re going to be an a-hole, you might as well be fancy about it.

This just reminds me of the Halloween I got kicked out of the Assisted Living Center because dressing as the Grim Reaper was “inappropriate” and “wrong” and “27 is too old to go trick or treating”

I was thinking this might be a thing like how Disney bars people from dressing up in character at Disneyland and Disney World, because they don’t want tourists taking pictures with middle-aged size 14s in Cinderella costumes instead of with the 19-year-old size 0s they hire.

does she cobble her own shoes? where does she get her wigs? HOW MUCH MONEY HAS SHE SPENT ON SILK IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS??

Wow, could they have possibly more passive aggressively blamed the prospective owners of being the ones ‘really’ at fault for potential loss of jobs and an anemic victims’ fund? The delusion is incredible. Note to Weinstein Co: you enabled and likely participated in the abuse of women for decades.

I swear to god. Employee👏 Employer👏 Relationships👏Are👏 Presumptively 👏coercive👏

Iiiiiiiinnnnteresting. I wonder if Ms Charen is struggling with a sunk cost fallacy. It’s clear her level-headed recognition of GOP hypocrisy surrounding sexual assailants isn’t welcome, not even at a panel expressly about conservative women’s reflections on their place within #MeToo! But she’s also built a name for

“Throughout the first half of the event the panelists talked about Planned Parenthood, complained that anti-abortion women had been ostracized by the Women’s March and had feminism stolen from them.”

Modern storytelling tends to be more character-driven (which the MCU understands). DC has struggled with this because they’ve always been more about the adventures and hijinks and wow factor of a universe with these powerful beings.

Interesting how Trump says “I don’t like this idea of ‘active shooter drills’ to be honest with you” because the name could frighten children, while he also supports arming the teachers.

Donald, No.

1. I said I was hoping he would be off the film. It didn’t matter if it was of his own accord or fired.

After his ex-wife revealed his serial cheating, I was hoping he’d be off the film and replaced with someone who won’t pull that with the actors. I don’t buy the story thing for a minute seeing that Brett Rather got canned for sexual misconduct.

Ah yes, if only there was any compelling source material for Batgirl to draw inspiration from. It must be hard to come up with a story from scratch when no one has ever written the character before.

Ahhh Fox News you’re so predictable.

What the “trump effect” means for republicans in 2018:

You knew it was coming!

My first thought when I read that story was, this is an elite professional athlete. The woman knows her body. She not only knew what was happening, she knew the course of treatment necessary.