Harbour Seal

Yep. Plus, she’s made it clear she doesn’t want to be cast as an actress now, she just wants to produce, and if you’re the power in the room that gives you some protection, if not that much.

This interview has made me want to pick the show back up. I stopped the season that Derek died I think, but well before he died. He was such a douche nozzle (which now I know Shonda was doing as punishment and) there weren’t any other relationships I was invested in enough to sit through asshat Derek. (He was always a

I don’t think her point is to denigrate the rest of the cast, but Shonda has made it pretty clear that the show’s over once Pompeo leaves. So in very real ways, the show doesn’t exist without her and her point was that she was going to embrace that and push for more money than just take what she got from ABC.

Why can’t Ellen talk big like guys do? She’s brash, proud, and not afraid to talk about it. It probably doesn’t win her points in polite circles but it’s so refreshing to hear someone say, ‘I’m a boss.’

She is. Actresses just on the brink of super stardom were cast aside due to Harvey’s feefees hurting because he thought he deserved to have his flaccid cock sucked. Ashley, Rose, Salma, Mira, etc. all talented women who should have been heard from for years struggled to get any kind of work. Ellen doesn’t want that

You have zero experience to know what it means to be Number 1 on the call sheet. You have zero clue as to the dynamics of working on a set. Sit down, and do your homework as to how the day-to-day of being a working actor actually works before typing again.

Eventually, Dempsey left the show—which lead to a ratings spike.

It is fascinating to see all the male regulars around here posting that Pompeo is terribly gauche for hurting Dunaways feelings. So many knights in shining armor saving women from themselves! I mean don’t get me wrong, that comment probably stung Dunaway like a motherfucker, but it isn’t Pompeo who took the money out

She makes a super good point I never thought about. Every time there’s a pay gap in Hollywood, people point out that the male star’s so much more famous than the female lead. I never connected that with the fact that they treat actresses so disposably that so few of them ever get to reach their stature.

But like, she’s clearly more important to the show than Dempsey was, which was the point.

Knowledge is power. I was at a job where they were salty that I had the nerve to have two babies in a row (and so was I but that’s beside the point). When I went back and they were patting themselves on the back for being so tolerant I pointed out to them that it was the best thing that ever happened to them because I

Thank you. I can’t believe how many people here refuse to discuss the substance of the article and her comments on power and money. Every top comment seems to be about “should Ellen Pompeo even be allowed to speak?” or “she’s lying about where she’s from!” Calling her classless or tasteless for simply talking about

True but when you’re financially secure you can afford to turn down anything that comes with too much bullshit.

Mmmmmm maybe we let her define her own upbringing? Apparently her mom died of an overdose whenever she was very young, and grew up with a bunch of siblings raised by her Dad and grandparents. She’s fairly skilled at selecting words to well represent her experience in other domains; maybe just trust her?

Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”

It does when you make $20m per year

I didn’t see it as a dig, quite the opposite. Faye Dunaway is a fucking legend but she doesn’t have the economic power to match, and the only explanation for that is sexism.

I think that was precisely her point - that a woman who is a goddamn legend, has no real financial power, especially compared to her male contemporaries like Warren Beatty.

This sounds like a similar philosophy to the Fuck Off Fund that has been floating around recently — basically that the best way to empower yourself is to have enough money to say ‘fuck off’ to any bad jobs, relationships, etc. Not sure how realistic it is for most folks, but interesting to think about.

“I’m not fuckin’ Julia Roberts.”