Harbour Seal

It was one of the Scottish protests, you can assume we’re calling him a cunt quite safely.

Mhairi Black will NEVER be prime minister unless Scotland is independent and we take her with us. She’s part of the SNP who field candidates only in Scotland, and Scotland has nowhere near a majority to achieve.

Get yourselves some Irn Bru!

Heeeey, heeeey Trump

I love my country ❤️

It actually isn’t. His conservative colleagues HATED him (rumour is only 3 fellow Tory MPs voted for him as speaker) because he is very much a centrist, and always seemed to have one foot on the other side. His wife is a member of the Labour Party. (When questioned about this by the press, he said his wife “who is not

She’ll know.

“Also send Mary Berry, Fieri is on his way. Fair trade.”

Apparently he’s coming to Scotland to meet the Queen to “avoid protests”.

100% there will be men who would purposefully delay delay delay

👏 go 👏 fuck 👏 yourself

Now playing

There’s also the whole British Class System that Americans don’t seem to relate to or understand as much. As a working class girl I empathised with Sid being asked to take his shoes off in the posh girl’s house, and being embarrassed about your socks. It’s fine if you’re working/middle class and cool (like Tony) or

Like someone else says it’s luck, but it’s also triage. There a difference between “this person is going to die in the next half an hour” VS “this person is actively dying right now” and calls are usually triaged as such. In the UK this is a screaming ambulance situation. Also unless someone starts a stopwatch (note:

Go fuck yourself

Parents almost always get the blame for these things, but when I look at my siblings, all raised by the same married parents, and how wildly different we are, genuinely it sometimes isn’t our fault. Plus as puberty hits pleasing your peer group becomes more important than pleasing your parents and you have to deal

this is so beautiful that I want to marry this comment and have little star babies ⭐️

The whole FEELING about these protests is also completely different.

Here we

But she doesn’t need to deal with it during her formative years. She can have peace and room to learn and develop her own sense of self worth that isn’t based on breast size or how pretty she is.

No. she’s still the exact same except with more outrageous makeup that makes her look about forty instead of thirty. I think she has boyfriend and a couple of girls now. I wonder how well balanced they’ll turn out?