Harbour Seal

Every time she says she is Scottish I get this twinge in my neck.

Fucking shouldn’t have read this on the bus to uni fuck fuck fuck.

Because they aim for the body mass, specifically the heart, so people are bleeding out. It’s the difference between hanging and break your neck and hanging and strangling. Plus even an aim at the head can graze the side of the skull. It’s, pardon the pun, very hit or miss.

Actually it’s a not good way to go. Unless it’s a sharpshooter to the head.

3) this. Many of those in prison have used drugs, and it’s impossible to measure someone’s tolerance.

Guillotines are actually very humane, but remember people have to witness it and it’s a very messy death. It doesn’t fit with the idea of a nice clean and clinical death.

Air PE is a horrific way to die and wouldn’t necessarily be successful.

AFAIK most doctors and pharmacists refuse to prescribe for or take part in death penalties.

“a testicle with teeth”

It isn’t part of the sentence. I would never want anyone to be raped.



Women have lost there jobs over this stuff. If these were just wanking nobody would give a fuck. But they send it to her friends, family and work. It IS a crime.

Can we not just blow the border up and push ourselves away?

Perhaps, but no generation has robbed the future generations like baby boomers have. We are allowed to be angry. Thanks for understanding.

I don’t think it’s just about the way the Baby Boomer (as a generation) vote. It’s the way that this generation got everything given to them and they didn’t pass it on to their children. In the UK a generation who received free university with grants, or paid apprenticeships, and given essentially jobs for life voted

Depends, how many went to trump university?

For one the clothes were terrible and the game is so boring.

No lie btw I have cried laughing at Scottish Twitter absolute top cunts man

Scottish Twitter has done more for Scotland’s image as a country of loveable and idiotic drunks than Outlander ever has.