Harbour Seal

I dunno I've seen a heart attack they are pretty funny especially cause it's men that get them




High five for the high waist. It's such an issue trying to find jeans.

I'm not the creepy baby from twilight either.

Apparently you can get a special dildo for the shower head which sounds amaze balls just sayin

AFAIK there are Satanic sects that do have actual articles of faith or believe in deities. It’s got a wide range of beliefs and practices, much like Christianity, but the Church of Satan is based on rational, sceptical thought and considers the self to be a sort of deity.


Ramen, brother.

I loved that part. The vindication calms her right down because it means they can act on it. Her walking the line between grief for her dead son and madness at the thought of him alive but trapped was spot on.

Listen I THOUGHT IT WAS TOM HARDY TOO, though I wondered what happened to his pillowy lips.

Hey, I’ve been watching Gilmore Girls and the only difference between us and them is 1) My kid isn’t pretentious and 2) I would never say “I got the good kid” because one of her friends had sex and she didn’t. Other than that, it’s got us down so bad Eve is convinced that they spied on us. IT EVEN HAS OUR DUAL COFFEE

Just read the description... Crime solving and multiverse? She's going to be into this so bad.

It’s like X files on crack. Each season is like “how can we make this even stranger” and then it goes and does it. It also has a really satisfying (and bittersweet) end to the five seasons with all the loose ends tied up so I really do recommend it.

Thanks! Like I said above, we are watching fringe together rn, and I think she will enjoy supergirl/flash on her own!

Well right now we are watching fringe together (we skip boring/the sexual episodes (like the crazy camp lady sucking spinal fluid) but she loves anything that blows her mind with a twist - we are fast approaching Fauxlivia/Who is Peter AND I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HER FACE SHE HASNT FIGURED IT OUT YET) so I probably

Quick question: is the flash or super girl suitable for kids (a nine/ten year old to be precise) without me having to watch it with her? My daughter enjoys sci-fi and super-hero stuff, but because a lot of it is made for teens/adults (I don’t care particularly about bad language, more sex scenes and violence) I'm

I know that I regularly blackmail reviewers including Zero Punctuation and Ebert

Part of me is concerned, part of me is like “my daughter might want to work for Pixar but, hey, she better be prepared to work with J Stew for a while or mummy is going to throw a fit”.