Harbour Seal

The sooner Scotland gets out of the UK the better. FUCK. SAKE.

Mate what are we, chopped liver #wearesoshit

Fight me

Probably safest TBH

Actually dying with laughter 😂😂

I DONT CARE WHAT HAPPENS I JUST WANT IT TO HAPPEN *waves arms wildly in their direction*

He doesn’t just want him dead he wants to CRUSH him. He wants to kill Rickon in front of him, kill his men who swore to die for him, rape his sister in front him kind of sadism.

Littleturd is so fucked. He's twisted himself up into an absolute mess. He might try to press Sansa into marriage (definitely try) but Sansa is going to fuck him over royally.

No trees to be had unfortunately :(

But that doesn’t make them not liable. And I know there are alligators in Florida but I couldn’t honestly tell you anything else about them. I had NO IDEA they were that common and I am a reasonably bright, intelligent and curious person.

I think I replied to your other comment but I'll say it here JIC: she knows he killed Lysa, she could tell everyone what he's done. KOTV wouldn't be happy about it for sure.


I don’t think she’ll marry anyone ever again unless it’s on her terms. I think Littlefinger is going to die and Sansa is going to make sure of it. Her cousin is going to support her no matter what, but she knows Littleshiteatinggrin killed Lysa as well. She could tell the truth and watch him run.

Jon is a man with a man’s view on things. He’s also emotional and damned by his emotions and sense of honour, like all Starks (“break a vow and get fucked” should be their motto). The only reason he isn’t dead is because of magic and sheer luck. Littlefinger (littleshit) can’t be trusted to be on any council in…

literally SCREAMED AT THE SCREEN cannot deal with the thought of him dying, I need Tormund and Brienne to happen.

It’s a tactical move. Jon would have wanted to put everything on the field to face Ramsay honourably. But Ramsay isn’t honourable: he willingly killed his own men to kill Jon’s, particularly his own calvary. Sansa knew this, and knew exactly what they would do. By letting Ramsay and Jon slug it out and swooping in…

I was actually talking to myself through that bit with Tormund saying stuff like “I swear to god they better not kill him OH MY GOD DONT STAND NEXT TO JON FUCK SAKE he needs to be okay don’t be that kind of asshole assholes”. When Ramsay was shooting arrows I thought for sure he was a goner. Just standing there with…

That's just fucked up mate wtaf

It’s not like they have to advertise the fact on their website before you buy tickets. And seeing the sign means you have in fact bought tickets already.

This. I’m from Scotland and my daughter’s BF goes to Florida Disney every year and even she wasn’t fully aware. I had no clue that there would be alligators there.