Harbour Seal

Have u ever seen them in the same room no I rest my case

Literally when Outlander starts getting covered again #iamsoexcitedandijustcanthideit

#cool #needtofindababysitter

Bitch where and when and you will see me (I will be late cause I am me)

Right not this month because I am surgical block so my life is ruined plus StAn is awkward as fuck to get to (I am north Lanarkshire)

Where is it this month?

Square sausage and morning rolls AND THESE THINGS DONT EXIST IN ENGLAND POOR SODS.

My only consolation is that these people tend to bitch the loudest and the most.

Sorry I just remember a friend posting about it the other day. I think we both got the wrong end of the stick! But yeah, Cons were never going to support anything like this because they are dicks.

It's a beautiful mix.

i think I might know you but now I don't want to say because then you might know me.

... Emotionally explosive? Apparently also the sexiest accent.

That’s because there aren’t any.

I mean don’t get me wrong there are people here who are against it (the wee free kirk needs to shut their fucking pieholes) but in general the Scottish government is just like: u mad bruh

Also depends on where you are from in Scotland. Everywhere but glasgow is emotionally repressed. Glasgow is not emotionally repressed. I know because I fucking live here.

Literally every drunk Scotsman gets the idea to just invade England. “I could dae it fuck the lot ae ye.”

“Cuntybaws recommended your post”

I bet she's adultosaur.

This week also saw Scotland allow agender identification as a legal status (ie passports and such) and for trans folk they can change their gender on their birth certificate as easily as their name now (ie no more panels deciding whether or not a person is male or female).