Harbour Seal

“In her broken English, she scripted several stanzas depicting me, the horrible woman who was crushing her husband’s soul, and she, the “little girl” who was in love with him and wanted to save him. For all the gibberish it contained (and there was A LOT), I was at least grateful to see that she could recognize that

100% I bet the poem was about how happy they are now without her near them and how it’s “for the best” and that she’ll soon find someone who “really loves you”.

My daughter is allergic to eggs and I miss having boiled eggs and soldiers :(

You should take the test and tell me if its worth it!

More likely you are related to genghis khan actually! (Tho, TBF, most people are. Except me and my family. We haven’t left the British Isles for about 2000 years and you can tell #pastyasfuck.)

It was one study IIRC that showed it “may” correlate with peanut allergy. Because I remember reading that article and thinking “it’s bullshit. The whole thing is bullshit.”

The fact that the picture itself was believable says enough... Thanks tho!

Still man

This is why I love you fellow medic and mother.

The US elected him

I can't believe this is one of my more popular comments, what is wrong with you people

How are you making it?

Ha! This is actually so true. It’s because we let our kinks fester and don’t tell anyone and when we suddenly find someone who is ok with it we’re just like BAM TIE ME UP AND MAKE ME SING SCOTTY

That annoys me: I have two brothers and a sister. Guess who gets the most hassle about cleaning?

I have a daughter hut I am a single mum/medical student so props to you and your mum!

Can I have this places address so I can never ever go here accidentally please.

See, that’s what I think. My mum thinks I’m being cruel, but all I can think about is how much she moans that we never did anything when me and my siblings lived at her house. Mother, my daughter will not die from gathering dirty dishes, making her bed, loading up some laundry or cleaning the bathroom, and she’s

I have become slightly obsessed with my cleaning routine because I have noticed that if I stick to it I have 1) more time 2) more energy 3) better mood 4) a nice clean house to wake up to.


I am a bad person because when I read this first I was like “You ultimated him so much he got cancer”.