Harbour Seal

I found that carrots and onions go mouldy if they aren’t kept in the fridge. I don’t use enough to keep them out! I also use spreadable butter which melts if I keep out the fridge. I fridge garlic because otherwise it ends up growing.

Eggs should go in the fridge. Most fruit should also stay out of the fridge. Carrots and onions should go in the fridge. Salad stuff in the fridge. I would also say butter belongs in the fridge as fats can go rancid if left too long out (but I’m talking a fortnight here).

I'm also a single mother and I say fuck this noise. She is doing her damn best with the precious little help she gets, so just let her get on with it.

That’s my impression.

Scotland in October? Just remember what Billy Connolly said:

Had a gay guy on my course tell me that “Bisexuality is just a phase”. I just responded “Yeah, that phase is called life.” I was so annoyed at him: I am a 28 year old bisexual woman and it took so long to accept that. I’ve also received flack from lesbians when I’ve been flirting for not telling them I was bi. And I

She really does actually deserve the win though. She plays three main characters in the same show plus the villain plus supporting characters, and does so flawlessly.


Excellent! Vaccinating is really important, and this one in particular.

90% of cervical cancer cases can be prevented by this vaccine. (Or so it says in the article - the truth is it’s probably lower, but not much) It is also protective against genital warts and HPV induced oral cancers.

I remember that there was so much controversy in the UK about the HPV vaccine.

I swear if I could get rid of a body part it is a real toss up between my uterus (no plans for any more kids) and my stupid boobs. Urgh.

Seriously that is one of the benefits of having a vagina. The other being we don't look ridiculous naked.

I’m halfway through my period and I am fucking bawling at the description and being made to think of Beaches again.

Aye, it’s usually “will ye get that fecking cat off the couch”.

Moggy is definitely an English thing - wean is a scots compound word derived from “wee ane” which means “little one”. It’s used in the south and west of Scotland while “bairn” is used in the north and east and has an old English/Norwegian root.

My mum hates the fact we have a royal family and even she thinks George is the cutest wean she's ever seen. (It's the cheeks)

Their tumblr is AMAZING whoever is running that shit needs a pay rise and a promotion.

Jesus 😳

Between you and Dr Emilio Lizard I’m not sure which gawker doctor I love more.