
I’d be more impressed if he wasn’t busting people who were using their phones in stationary vehicle. What a waste of humanity.

There are two fatalities, and it isn’t enough Teslas to make them as safe as the fleet as a whole.

Wasn’t that Firestone’s response to the Explorer debacle as well? The problem with this excuse is that it reveals serious intellectual limitations. This is your name on the world stage. Pirelli spent hundreds of millions of stakeholders’ cash to make a laughingstock of themselves and then shrugged their shoulders and

Not a single DWA joke? Is there an IQ cap on starring?

I think Shitstain and Fatass were both “in on it.” They probably got Pascal out of the way to commit insurance fraud.

Do you ever feel like gender reassignment surgery is the result of psychiatry waving the white flag?

I miss how when I was in college three girls in a row would all do the same thing in bed and then I would see a Cosmo on one of their coffee tables telling them what they needed to do to make things hot in the bedroom. Showing up was probably enough when I was 19.

I expected this article to be about Lake Speed, or Stefan Bellof. It seems like pretty much everyone except Gerhard Berger was actually beyond Senna’s reach.

The people getting treated for the sniffles in the ER while you’ll be bleeding out aren’t fat US citizens.

Go to an emergency room in SoCal and see if you still believe any of the lies you parrot.

Obama’s entire presidency has been about making the US look diminished and weak. I’m sure he’s crying all the way to George Soros’ bed.

Better’d get your head back in the sand fast!

Comment Of The Century.

A contract between one government agency and another doesn’t constitute capitalism. It is a harbinger of the buzz-saw all you SJW imbeciles are being led to.

What does that have to do with whether burning friction material has an odor or not? What else don’t you understand? You could become a CNN climate expert.

How much will it be when the taxpayers refuse to keep paying? Fixed it for you.

Big government shit-heels always say these are unintended consequences, but all they’re doing is pretending to be as stupid as their supporters. Of course cars would get bigger to avoid higher targets for small cars. There’s no other possible way of reading the rules. Of course Obamacare fucks people who work or who

Reliability is a factor if your time is worth anything.

I would like your post if Gawker permitted me to. WTF is wrong with Hardigree? Probably worries about the unknown Trump while feeling comfortable with the known psychopath.

Just not what? Forget any of the agendas they’re meant to serve? They slipped up and made a truthful statement. Stew on it.