
The entrenched taxi lobby wins. Corruptions wins. If you think nobody won, you should really think about keeping your ideas to yourself.

Does that mean Uber drivers will now be required to smell of curry farts and incense?

Don’t come here for honesty, perceptiveness, or objectivity. When a Bernie supporter does something far worse than this to their adversaries, it is reported as ‘conservatives incite violence.’

Why do people assume Ford can do the things you can’t see right?

Not really a truck guy, but when I need one I get one that works from Toyota. I mentioned Ford just because they got caught leaving out safety gear in body styles they thought wouldn’t be tested. GM and Fiat suck at making vehicles too though.

Regular cabs will perform well unless they’re made by Ford and Ford knows they won’t be tested, in which case you’ll be lucky if the seatbelts are attached to anything.

I’ve been stripped of my ability to star things, but your comment deserves it. Isn’t every bit of energy precious in a battery electric? Why make the A/C work so much harder than would be necessary with good design?

How much is a Big Mac, fries and a Coke in Australia?