
And it will be very...

I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re being put through. When you vote, so often you must vote to protect the rights of others and show that we all stand together. Not doing that is selfish and shortsighted.

It shouldn’t even be a fucking issue. Women have been breastfeeding babies for what... 2 million years? Longer? I don’t know how far back in human evolution breasts developed... but it’s not recent!

Do you not see that no matter what she does, she is trapped? It’s not as though she hasn’t spent 25 years trying to refute the crap against her, to no avail. For shit’s sake, when she was a high school student (ineligible to vote), she supported Barry Goldwater. People seriously hold that against her TO THIS DAY.

I have been enjoying this comment thread because it’s been reinforcing my suspicions which are basically, all the horrific shit that my supposedly more “pure” liberal friends say about Hillary, isn’t....actually based in cite-able facts. Do you know any more about what the warhawk criticisms are besides her Iraq vote?

To answer your questions - A) Yes, I don’t think she’s corrupt. B) Yes, I do think she is an honest person. C) I think she’s a wonderful person who has done a lot for women and children both in the U.S. and abroad.

Hillary Clinton’s opinion on Fracking is more complex than “yes” or “no.” If you hear her speak about it, she’s weighing the environmental impact of no fracking more coal and heavily regulating fracking until we have an alternative. I’m not saying I agree, or that you need to, but it’s more complicated and nuanced

Because if she’d released them, those news cycles would have landed right in the middle of the primaries and the constant talking about her relationship to wall street could have swayed close races. Plus, if she’d released them then, there would be a demand for something else by now. This isn’t about putting people’s

Progressives have hated the Clintons since the 90s? Is that why Clinton was criticized for being too leftist throughout that decade (and basically until right now)?

What gets me is that according to politifact, she is the most consistently honest person running for president. Trump lies almost compulsively and bernie sanders has a similar ratio of truth to falsehood as her, but is much more likely to rely on partial truths.

Then you get this narrative that she’s some frothing

Counter point: it is far more vital to know that person grinding on or near my genitalia has been sufficiently vetted more so than the person operating a vehicle and potentially knows both where I live and that my residence is currently unoccupied.

Right? Everyone points to the fact that she was against gay marriage in the 90s (what politician wasn’t?), but Bernie voted against gay marriage in Vermont in 2006, yet he still gets this acclaim of being a supporter of gay rights since the world was created. I think Bernie is fine, and probably better than a lot of

Yeah, same. I’ve actually become a pretty staunch defender of her, mostly because 98% of things circulated about her are either completely not true or Bernie is also guilty of. I don’t personally feel excited about her candidacy, at least not how I felt with Obama, but I would be thrilled to see a woman elected at the


Same. I actually voted for Bernie in my caucus, but in the months after, I researched both of their positions and came to the conclusion that she is by far the better choice. Everything the Berniebros accuse Hillary of with no proof, Bernie is actually guilty of. They call her a warhawk, but Bernie (with the exception

In this case, all it would have done was help Sanders, it would have resulted in a week of breathless wall-to-wall coverage of the speeches, and as soon as the news cycle burned itself out, there’d be a call for her to release something else. While it’s still a thing that gets thrown out from time to time, it’s not

She has a history of not releasing things she doesn’t have to even when she has nothing to hide. Perhaps it’s because she realizes she has nothing to gain.

Except everything they have done is working. Listen to the Bernie Bros who hate Hillary Clinton.

I’m not a huge Hillary fan (or Bernie fan), but the vitriol against her and double-standards in this election have definitely pushed me to her side. I was legitimately undecided and waited to be convinced, and I wanted to be convinced by positive things. This election has turned to shit though, and unfortunately it

Now playing

I thought you were talking about the Nelly Furtado song for a moment and was like, hell yes, that would make a great campaign song.