HaramBae 4 Ever

Uh. If you don’t pull over run they are behind you then yes, its evading. Hence its definition of trying to escape or avoid. And to make things worse after he laid on the ground, he then moved his arms again and half stood up to point. This was not rocket science. You avoided pulling over, police took things up a

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but if he would have pulled over from the get go this would have been avoided. Honestly if he hadn’t ran the red lgiht in the first place...

If they could go ahead and rewrite the entire narrative to be less shit while they’re fixing things, that’d be just swell.

Sorry for the snark, the gameplay is great and BL3 has a ton of QoL improvements over its predecessors, but I will never forgive Gearbox for dropping the ball so goddamn hard in the story

I clicked this with a morbid curiosity to find out what new offensive crap kids on the internet are trying to pull again... 

They can certainly try. But this is the internet. Once it’s out here, it’s out here for good.

which means no, you can’t download it for free”  challenge accepted 

The Tetris Effect event today is in the Relax category, which is always time well spent doing a few quick plays to get SS rankings and a level up. Plus, it’s always a guaranteed event avatar, unlike Classic...

Lame joke, I can’t even stomach it.

I wonder how many small top tier games get missed.  Something like FTL would have been super easy to miss or ignore, but was one of the best games of the  year.

There’s no real skill involved, it’s all about gut feelings.

(CTRL + Fs for Killer Instinct)

What kind of pizza are you eating that has “juices”?

Half-Life 3 opens with the episodes being a dream in Gordon Freeman’s mind. From there it devolves into a series of micro-transactions that are used to progress through the entire game. Oh, did I forget to mention its mobile-only, too? 

So it sounds like they set themselves up for failure. Their goal was to make something groundbreaking like HL-1 and HL-2 when the goal really should have been to just finish up the stupid story arc. The "episode" moniker should have been enough to justify this to themselves. The previous episodes were just refinements

No! That was a mistake. I like Blue Shift a lot, actually. 

Glad they recognized the airboat section as too long. I generally LOVED HL2, but the decision to make over a third of the game about driving a sand rail/boat between locations where you usually just park, do more things then repeat? Not my favorite. It made the game feel appropriately empty for a planetary invading

We can’t be living our lives in fear. Our very Freedoms are under attack. If E3 is cancelled, then the Coronavirus has already won.

I hope everyone who wishes Trump gets Coronavirus will have kids, spouses and themselves get a incurable cancer and kills them slowly and painfully.

Confused? As much as I hate Trump, I would never wish for the death of someone. Wishing Trump gets the Coronovirus (because you know it kills the elderly) is a very low

I miss when you could buy a mobile game and actually enjoy the experience. Angry birds 1, pvz1 is what comes to mind. Too bad greed got in the way