HaramBae 4 Ever

I remember NOT meeting the criteria to save the Geth and the Quarians, thus I had to choose a side (if I recall). The Quarians were defeated. :/ Which left me sad because I lost my love interest Tali-Zorah by suicide. I still get teary thinking about it. 


Welcome to the Kinja sites, heavily biased towards things that sway in their favor. Good id they like it, bad if they don’t like it. 

I’m part of that sub though I have no idea what its really about. Just interesting reading people talking about money they have made and what not.

You seem to be a minority of people. The movies have done well. And lets not forget this is the first trailers, often first trailers are crap. 

If you look at the one screen in the background you actually see the outline of Mechagodzilla and something along the lines of him “powering up”. I assume we either don’t see him in the trailers yet or they gave him a realistic skin in this to fool people into thinking Godzilla is the bad guy.

Yeah the song was dumb. 

I hate people like you. Always whining about the humans in these movies. These movies have ALWAYS had a human element. I mean yes without them it would be cool to get more screen time, but most people still want some humans. 

Kind of dumb people are saying “OMG Godzilla’s bad?!?” You can clearly see in one scene on a monitor Mechagodzilla. So obviously some villian is using MG to make Godzilla look like a bad guy. We all know Godzilla is not bad, er, well in the new series that is. In old movies of course he would go back and forth. 

Ah, to be a PC gamer where gaming online doesn’t require a subscription to anything. Don’t miss that about consoles. 

My niece complained about a camcorder I got her because it was bulky and didn’t have a view finder among other complaints such as having to have a second back up battery. I mean the thing is the size of a PC mouse. I showed her a picture of the camera back in the day similar to that one in the picture. She said and I

I’m 40 now and up until they went under I’d still go 3-4 times a year. I neve usually bought anything but I just drooled over all the new stuff. Seeing things change was also fascinating. Legos has come a super long way. Even action figures have gotten better. Only thing I miss seeing is Micro Machines. I had a

I never bought from NewEgg. Always had local places to buy from that have long lasting warranties. At Best Buy I used to get parts all the time when on sale and get the multi year plan. Now I get them from Micro Center mainly. I can never find a good price on New Egg and they don’t really seem to have any good

New Vegas was the worst game, so I’ll have to check this out. Maybe it will make me actually like the game. 

Eh. Making these features only hurts the game. If someone wants to play your game illegally but can’t because of said features, this isn’t going to somehow make them want to buy the game. Instead they will just ignore the game. Sure, in the end they didn’t play the game, but at the same time you didn’t make any money

If only there was another method to do all this. Some.... free way. Hmm. Some way to get the game for free and everything in it and screw over “the man”. Hmm. Not that I would endorse such a way. Just saying. 

Aside from some visual glitches or on screen stuff that stays onscreen, nothing game breaking on my end. I completed everything in the game and loved it. Is it GOTY? No. But it’s still in my list of great games. 

“You do mushrooms?”
“No, I AM mushrooms!”

Hey look, the N word! I can’t say it because I am white and its a racist term. Only blacks can use the racist term and it somehow undoes its racist meaning. 

Two things:
1. Once COVID is gone the masks will be kind of useless unless you want to just have something LED at a party.

2. That bendable popup screen looks amazing. I’m sure it will only cost like $20....errr $20,000