HaramBae 4 Ever

Anyone who thought it would look beautiful on this gen is just stupid. Can’t blame the company for people who are dumb enough to get it on current gen and think it would look the same. It’s like buying a $200 PC and whining it doesn’t run like a $2000 PC. You know what you are getting into.

Believe it or not there are blacks who are republican/vote for Trump. There is a local group of about 1,500 people where I live. Proud Trump supporters. Think of them what you may but at least they don’t keep voting for democrats who promise to “change things” for the last 50 years and don’t keep their promise. And

Can’t help but notice you ignored stories (and videos) of leftists attacking Proud Boys first in some situations. As much as I hate Proud Boy crap, I hate biased news reports even more. Both sides were attacking each other. This is why the country is divided. Get rid of extremists on both sides and things will be

I only had an issue with the second movie because they turned the script into garbage by ignoring everything the first one was building up. That’s what happens when you have some other person do one of the movies and thus ruins everything. 

Eh. Most reviews that were negative were because of performance issues. I’m running it on a 2070 Super, I9, 32gb ram and it’s maxed out. On occasions I have a frame drop but it’s nothing so noticeable that I get taken out of the game.

And lets be honest, anyone who seen the game and all its beauty, colors, ray

Thank you! I wanted to say this. As fun as changing stuff is, if you can’t see your character then its pointless. To bad it doesn’t have a third person option like Bethesda games tend to have. 

Does it really matter to some degree? I used to be big into changing my character in games all the time until I realized “Wait, I’m in first person so I never get to see myself anyways!”. Then I realized its all pointless.

Hmm. I’m not biting this time. I bought Xbone because they brought back Killer Instinct. Turned out to be average and a pay to play thing. I’m not buying the new Xbox S X Slim System Z 2 (or whatever its called now) to play this. As much as I love Perfect Dark mind you. 

It’s weird knowing there are young people who won’t know what this is from because its what dinosaurs played back in the day. I say that as someone whos 40ish.

I may be the odd man out here but I didn’t hate Andromeda. I’m not saying it was some award winning game or anything. But it certainly wasn’t the worst game I played. I do like some of the ideas in it, though obviously they did feel a bit out of place for the series.

That said if this is a sequel I’m fine. If this is

SJW Awards presents GOTY to The Last Of SJWs! Fixed title.

She has mental issues. She will always be a she lol. 

Meh, this is just gaming today. I blame other gamers for these scummy practices. The minute you start buying their newest way to rip you off, they make it a standard thing. Granted in this case it doesn’t look like your missing out on much.

Part of me wants to play this again because it was great. But the other part of me thinks it doesn’t look all that amazing to buy again. At least the Crisis Remaster was worth it. 

I’m in my early 40s now and when I was younger I was still a but of a “learn before you buy” person. I looked at magazine articles and what not to see reviews of a game. Not often would I buy a game new. As an adult I can’t recall the last time I bought a game new. The last game I bought that wasn’t a AAA game was

All that we need now is to take everyone that still is toxic about console wars and to launch them to the moon so gamers as a group can get together and be happy that someone is gaming no matter what they use to do so. Not counting game users on phones. I’m mobilegameaphobic.

Same. I was just thinking of trying out this game to. I see this and am like “Nope, nevermind.”

One day I can tell my kids “When I was growing up battle passes and loot boxes didn’t exist! We had complete games. If you wanted something bad enough you had to work for it in game!”

Now you can but the game for $60 when it comes out and spent about $300 in microtransactions over the next year. Or just wait a year when the “Super Mega Deluxe Edition” is realize and get everything for $20. Thank goodness for Steam sales. 

Meh. When the horse armor stuff came about I wanted people to NOT but it. I said it would change things if they knew they could nickle and dime us for everything. No one listened. I still hate microtransactions are a thing. Yes, many games have items you can buy that are simply cosmetic in nature. But other games