HaramBae 4 Ever

I’ve always said the game needed a m0de like this. I got this game on PC and Android. 

The original just had a great artstyle and how the gameplay worked with “comics” was wonderful. The new one is just terrible. I refunded it. 

The best part of the game (totally not sarcasm...) is when you kill a person, they now just crumple up and fall to the ground. It looks so stupid. Even if hit with a rocket they just fall straight down. 

2020! Woohoo! Best year ever! >.>

Technically speaking republicans have the guns so..... that said a higher amount of blacks and latinos voted for Trump then people thought would happen. 

Ironically the immaturity about Bidens win is hilarious. People mocking republicans for being hateful and immature. Despite the fact that 4 years ago democrats acted the same way when Trump won. We have become a country of not turning the other cheek but instead dropping to the same level as the other side. It’s

This is really hard for me because while I enjoy playing some old games, I can’t see myself replaying ME. All the shock and twists won’t be the same. It’s why I hoped Andromeda didn’t suck so we could have a new series to play though. As much as that game sucked, I did sort of want to see what happened next. 

It annoys me how many people say they have it as if its a legit thing. IT’S NOT. Talk about FakeNews.

There are never enough holes. (take that as you may)

You can turn off the options. I did. 

Dev said MP might be an idea. They are open to any ideas. 

I’ve put about 30 hours into it and love it. Some people can’t get past any missions which means they just must not have the ability to come up with great escape plans. Not an insult mind you, a legit thing. I also like that the dev is SUPER interactive with everyone on the discussions about future updates, ideas,

You are part of the problem, not the solution. You are like many extremists on both sides. You are so vile and full of hate that you fail to see you are part of the problem. Many republicans and democrats are embarrassed by such extremists. Because they make the country divided. You can blame Trump, someone can blame

While I haven’t really watch much Twitch stuff, Pokimane is a someone I really enjoy. She’s down to earth, herself...etc. 

Are there any good Child plush/doll/whatevers to buy yet? I’ve seen two people on Youtube with a really nice one you can hold and it looks realistic but not sure where they got it.

LOL. What a sad article.

What I’ve learned it millennial democrats are not very well educated and believe interference from other countries/people is some new shocking thing. Because it never happened before. ;)

I learned millennial democrats get can get free food/drinks/therapy pets and time off by seeing Trump win

I heard it has its own small gravity field. Thats no moon, it’s a battlestation!

Meh. Arms Race, new skill trees...etc. Looks crappy. 

I just rushed through the rest of my game yesterday so I’d be ready for Cyberpunk in a few days. (sigh) Still, better they not rush. 

I’m sure it will be super successful, just like the movie! >.>

Also I’m sure they will cancel it after a season or two, Netflix loves doing that.