I know what your saying but the word, pull, just gave me some interesting mental visuals.
I know what your saying but the word, pull, just gave me some interesting mental visuals.
I think it will go a little something like this
I’m glad I was able to get through it but I would never do it again. Especially now. It’s a good thing Donald Trump can’t read otherwise he would think it was his biography.
This is why I can’t understand wanting to do this. Losing your virginity is painful and I would not want to go through that again.
All my aunts and grandmother still have to draw their eyebrows in. I learned early on not to pluck my brows. They only have around 1/2 of their eyebrows left. They looks crazy.
After 4 babies I can no longer jog, cough, jump, laugh, or sneeze. I can but it always results in a wardrobe change.
That vagina should definitely be sporting a pussy bow.
I’ve never eaten at a restaurant that uses foam. Maybe it’s because I live in the suburbs or too cheap to go to an expensive restaurant? But whenever I see someone use it I automatically think of Macelle Vigneron from Top Chef. He was always reprimanded for his overuse of foam.
I’m putting Abstract on my watch list. I’m excited. I spend way too much time looking for new things to watch but always seem to talk myself out of shows. I just finished The Santa Clarita Diet, and really liked that. Timothy Oyphant, that’s all you need to know.
I’m scared to ask but, what’s in a trash omelette?
Worse, if you are near any underground dwellers. Like a Chud or something like that
Good point. I’m not 100% sure about that? It’s a good thing I live 100's of miles from the ocean.
Ahhh, I remember that one too. That’s something you don’t want to watch before bed. That reminds me of, The People Under the Stairs. It kind of makes me happy we don’t have basements in Texas.
Who’s lol’ing now Jong Nam
I’m still trying to figure out what the hell he was trying to say in his Rush Limbaugh tweet. “He said one of greatest ever”. WTF does that mean?
I’m sure he does and I’m sure Trump also requests ketchup for his steak.
Oh, really? You must have not seen, Jaw 4. It was personal.
Wow, your old Pinto sounds a lot like my old Chevette (I actually called it a “shitvette”, as it was a grotesque shade of shit brown). It also had a huge hole in the floor. Also, the muffler was rigged with a hanger and I’m pretty sure it was being held together with lots of duct tape. They definitely sound like…