
He loves the hispanics.

Since I can’t tip your through my mac, I hope you will accept this delicious star.

I’m not sure I believe this fake comment. Donald Trump himself said, “The White House is running like a fine tuned machine”. Are you trying to tell me our president is delusional? Surely you jest. Never has there been a saner man in the Oval Office.

This comment almost make me glad I read the book, almost.

What was he doing between 6 and 8 am? Nope, I decided that I don’t want to know.

I’d be willing to chip in if he’ll go away. How much will it cost us to get you to go away? If he gave us a number I bet we could come up with the money. 5 buck per person who wants him gone should do it.

It makes you question who they are trying to convince, us or themselves. I believe in freedom of speech but it’s also good to admit you totally called that one wrong. More than half of us that voted had to do it. I’m still doing it. I definitely did not see this coming.

Ummm, what are you talking about? No false imprisonment charges. And it’s easy to be a huge asshole when you’ve never been in a desperate situation. I don’t understand why people like you think it’s so easy to become a citizen? Do you even now how hard and expensive it is? It’s not as easy as you have convinced

He’s going to claim all the protestors at the rally as supporters. It must be great to be so delusional. You get to go through life thinking everyone loves you and nothing is your fault.

Hmmm, what will happen if we all simultaneously boo him?

My chakras are all kinds of fucked up.

But to be fair. Not enough people are paying attention to how bigly he won the election. They’s stopped talking about how tremendous and historic it was. They keep focusing on all this fake news and missing the real story. Like how popular he is and how he’s calling his own shots and everyone knows it. He needs to

Nah, I don’t think murder would be enough. Especially if they were from one of the banned countries.

Such sage words. I always love to be reminded of the great poet laureate of Crawford, Texas. Mission accomplished, President Bush, mission accomplished right in our hearts. Remember that time he choked on a pretzel and passed out? Good times. I bet he watches Donald Trump and is grateful to no longer be the most

The only problem with that is, that even though he plays a good asshole, he still comes off as kind of cool. Whoever it is needs to be more hapless. If Donald Trump were to see it he would take it as a compliment.

Ok, you got me. I would totally watch that. I imagine that scene turning out more like the episode of Friends where Ross wears the leather pants.

I watched it but seem to have blocked it out. Now it’s all coming back to me. THE HORROR!

I’m much more scared of my children being shot in school than running into a terrorist. It’s basically like never going in the ocean because your afraid of shark attacks. They are experts at changing the subject I wish his voters weren’t so easily distracted.

She must think we’re on the road to change instead of the road to destruction.

I know. She literally just described a Trump presidency. Do you think if she read this comment she made months ago she could see the irony of it? The thing she feared would happen with Hillary Clinton as president are actually happening.