He supposedly fathered a child with another woman and clearly cheated in everyone’s face but legit denies these obvious facts. That’s some Trump level narcissism.
He supposedly fathered a child with another woman and clearly cheated in everyone’s face but legit denies these obvious facts. That’s some Trump level narcissism.
Gia has really taken up for her parents in terms of putting on a good face and coming up with neutral soundbites to cover up for their fuckary.
Too many white people in stage especially considering Jesus wasn’t white and it’s all black people in the audience. How does a Tyler Perry production look like this?
He is od’ing on cold meds
I hear you. Tell him it frustrated you and that you need him to do it right next time and give you a hug and a foot massage. Then try to remember the awesome stuff he does.
I eloped bc I couldn’t even put myself through wedding bullshit. Eloping was emotionally taxing all on its own. I understand the desire for the party and I sometimes wish I did it that way, but, I will never understand people who torture their supposed loved ones with psycho wedding stuff. I went to a wedding two…
Dov only likes it when he’s doing the fucking (assaulting).
Trump has done the impossible: made the GOP address the rights and well being of women in general and black men and women.
because women have a sense of humor and love shit jokes/ stories about people shitting in cop cars.
She doesn’t seem so concerned with Lilo’s sobriety... might make pregnancy difficult.
I read interviews/ stories about Cesar that make it sound like he may have been super abusive to his first wife and that is the real problem I have with him. After coming to the US and getting his wife pregnant she had a serious health scare that put her in the hospital and he called her (didn’t visit?) while she was…
You sound like a decent human being. Of course you should. service is most often slow if the kitchen is slow when inundated by a flood of orders. Usually nothing to do with wait staff.
There was a story about him handing over scandalous info regarding their daughter’s drug addiction in lieu of a story about one of his alleged rapes a few years ago. He exploited his daughter and threw her under the bus to avoid bad press.
It’s not your place to say either way.
You deserve to have all the seats. Seriously, nobody cares.
Thank you. I mentioned the thought of having a child in front of a friend several years ago, not a plan, mind you, just the thought and my friend went off on this off-base hipster social justice tirade about how I should adopt and how selfish I was. Well, my husband and I cannot adopt, at least not for the foreseeable…
Some people are not eligible to adopt also.