
The trajectory of the show was going to start to revolve around him, from what I heard. He was going to take Nucky’s place until he showed up with booze on his breath everyday and got written out of the script entirely instead.

He’s a fucking liability, health status aside. Everyone should avoid him

Black man gets benefit of the doubt when there is a black GIRL to throw under the bus. Plus: money.

Shut the fuck up, Madonna.

He could, but, he’s so homophobic. I think that’s the point. It is strange when dudes walk around with the “bitches ain’t shit” attitude and act like only men are worth treating like people and then also hate gay men. Its like there is a ton of homo eroticism among straight men that they are not aware of.

This is what happens when dudes, rappers especially, treat women like they’re only good for sex and to be called a bitch and a slut. There is something very gay about that. And I mean gay in a very basic way. So many “tough guys” who are so into their guy friends but call women bitches and hoes, don’t treat women as

Yeah, same thing happened to my mom at 42. After 5 kids I think she thought her body was done. Guess not.

As a person on the smaller end I feel I don’t measure up to ideal sizes for clothes. And some times I even feel too big! It’s obvious that folks who wear plus sizes (CAN WE STOP SAYING PLUS SIZE?) are treated like second class citizens. I can’t imagine the psychological torment they live with. From a business

I recently lost my job too and I am actually 3 months pregnant. Instead of celebrating (I am happy but more stressed) I am on a shame spiral and not telling anyone until I get a job (where I will have to keep my secret for a few months and then tell and get shamed). My husband is great but I need an effing job.

My contract ended at my last job and I got pregnant while job searching. I’m 3 months along now and I have to be honest: I am fucking terrified and even anticipating major shaming to happen at any job I FINALLY get. I feel guilty going into interviews knowing I will need time in a few months. It seems wrong that it

You fellate goats. You should stop.

Are you kidding? You must be.

Yes! That whole show got shitty. So much potential down the drain. I think a big mistake was killing Dokes. He was the best character.

Rita started off cool but then the season she came back with crazy plastic surgery her character changed.

This is why I’m not telling till I have to.

gross to everything here.

So, sex is sinful and refusing sex to husband is sinful, but, humping husband is the godly one? How does that work? Also, all women I know (including myself) tend to want more sex than most male bodies can provide... Why are men always portrayed as dynamos when they really can only go a couple times before needing to

You have nothing to contribute. Shut your dumbass mouth or punch yourself in the face.

People with this kind of disposable income should be paying of student loan debt for local folks, like myself.

Did her husband present all the jars of jack off semen he didn’t deposit in a lady as proof of his years of celibacy?