
Are you fucking kidding. That dude is a fucking idiot. Some shit is not for dudes to do. #1 with a bullet is find out about pregnancy and deciding to announce.

It’s okay, Mrangry little man.

Black is #4 search? Don’t tel the MRA's.

yeah. I think any underwear may have helped.

he needs someone to test the integrity of those faux leather pants before he wears them on stage.

Hang in there. I really hear what you’re saying.

Or inherent inferiority.

It might be too much. How do you tackle this ignorance? I imagine she needs time away from people. I would.

Mental illness exists elsewhere and so do guns, but, gun violence like in this country... nope. I think this country is the perfect storm of lack of gun control and poor healthcare (therapy is for pussys! Buy a gun and take to reddit!). I swear that misogyny has something to do with lack of education.

But, no public outcry re: endemic violence on women? Lone white males who shoot up public spaces every couple days? White male serial killers? No? Still big scary black men are the problem? Oh, and sassy black women. And slutty women in general. Legal abortion, that’s our problem.

I have an idea. Let’s manufacture confederate flag themed tooth brushes and see if it helps the next generation of neo-nazis keep “sum toofers” in their mouths while we make some cash money! I’m down if you are.

This is what I was trying to say. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head.

This outfit obviously symbolizes aryan supremacy and that is awful, and, it is also just really fucking stupid. She looks like some kind of Donna Reed Housewife Hitler and really, really, fucking stupid. Get a life lady.

Jealous because you are judging their “sexual choices” rather than their choice to use contraception. You keep mentioning sex when it is birth control that is the issue. Pretty girls who dress nice and have “hair dos”? Yes. This is jealousy. These women are the last people I would spend time judging, because,

Did they make bad sexual decisions? Or did they make poor contraceptive decisions? You sound kind of jealous to be honest.

Kailyn’s husband is the father of her second child.

The head of his looks like a shrunken turtleneck, no? Not a complaint. Just observation.

Bwaha... Just keep going.

I can’t even read your comment. What are you arguing? Also “your mistake”? Dude, and yes, I can tell you are a dude because of your insistence on defending someone who benefited from not reporting a rape, rather than focusing on the victim, I make no mistake besides engaging with a moron like you. Go fap on reddit.

I would have more sympathy if she wasn’t so fucking rich off keeping quiet.